Lmao, i can hear the one on the right yelling about the singleness of purpose at some kid who just brought up xanax during his share
That or complaining that the chair is reading from their annotated digital copy of the Big Book rather than the meeting provided copy grumbling underneath their breath loud enough for everyone to hear that Bill W said we needed paper to get sober, it’s worked for 80 years…
My main life goal is to be a crotchety old man in my home group. I will not silence my cell phone, nor will I learn how to work it so when it rings it just keeps going. I will share the same story, every day, regardless of the topic. I will own a pair of suspenders for each day of the week. I will fondly recall when an old-timer told me to sit down, shut up and listen and then pass that along to each newcomer. When I chair the meeting I will forget to do half the readings and then yell at whoever reminds me about them. I will be an old-timer!
Except that as you fade back into reality from your nap, you will realize that the “room” was actually just you sitting in the supply closet in the nursing home bc your meeting was disbanded bc you could not pay the rent and were evicted bc you banned all phone use for any reason and refused to accept venmo for 7th tradition collections.
I always carried a eye glass case satchel. With a pill bottle of water, 2-3 riggs ,a big ass soup spoon and cotton balls… I was prepared everyday. I dont miss that a bit… Or withdrawling trying to open 13 tiny bags into a spoon n hit urself as fast as u can with a dull needle…