Memorial Day, stressors, my story for the New comer

For 17 years Memorial Day started a 30 day binge drinking session. While in the service I lost a sailor, and I carried that with me. I still do. As an active alcoholic I “had to drink” to numb the pain to survive. His death was roughly 30 days after Memorial day. For 17 years, I thought it was a trigger.

424 days sober and its still tough. Last year I had 60 days on Memorial Day. I still viewed it as a trigger, still thought I really need alcohol to numb the pain. Yes, I was one of those people. One of those that get talked about on here. One of those that blamed my alcoholism on 1 horrible day in time. One of those that thought it was a trigger…one of those that thought I was a victim. I might have had 60 days sober, but I still thought like a drunk…

I made it through. Drinking was simply not an option. But, I didnt do it on my own. While others may have talked about me, how ridiculous my thinking was…2 individuals stepped up. They talked TO me, they opened a dialogue with me…so I could talk through my pain. One was newly sober, and one had years under their belt. Both used their stories to get me to open up. I made it through sober.

It takes a long time for the brain to correct itself after addiction. If you have something like Memorial day was to me, reach out. If you have stressors reach out. I, along with others, will be here to tell our stories, to open a dialogue to help you through it sober.

You ARE worth a sober life.


Thank you for sharing that :slightly_smiling_face: it’s very helpful to read and thought provoking


Thank you for being you. You have always been incredibly helpful to all and I wish I could give you a big hug🤗


I just got off work…you wouldnt want to hug me…i am hot and stinky…lol…Seriously, I am ok. Lots of progress in the last year.


Thank you for your service. I am truly sorry about the loss of one of your own. :heart::heart::heart:
Thank you also for sharing and talking TO people. It’s so important to feel connected, safe and supported here. I will say a prayer that this Memorial Day is sober and that you can find some type of peace within your pain.


Thanks for sharing Scott. It can’t be nice, what you have had to go through. But in my book it don’t matter how we got here, it’s the fact that we are all doing something about it. In our way, helping each other out!
Stay strong buddy! My thoughts are with you :grinning:


Thank you for sharing :heart:
You are a great member here on TS, like reading you. Your sailor in heaven would be proud of you too!


Thanks for sharing, this is really helpful to a newbie like me, sounds like you have made a lot of progress this year. :heart:

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No need to thank me for my service. Serving was a privilege and a honor


Posting here was great! All gave some, some gave all.

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A fellow drunk reminded of that yesterday. And it helped

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