Mental Health With Sobriety

My name is Eric and I’ve been sober 422 days. I’ve watched three family members die in the past several years from alcoholism and I didn’t want to become a statistic.

My major reason for drinking was dealing with my mental health struggles. I was diagnosed about five years ago with major depression and anxiety. I’ve dealt with these things since I was fourteen years old. It became worse and worse up until I decided to live sober at the end of 2022.

I’m reaching out for help with mental health issues among sober people and ways to help cope with depression. I’m in therapy and on medication but I sometimes miss the numbing alcohol could provide. I’ve honestly become afraid I could slip back into this place if I had a drink and that’s bothering me


I completely understand where your coming from as i have ptsd and the same senerio. Looking back though using drugs and alcohol caused my mental health problems to become significantly worse even though at the time i thought they were helping.


I think the same thing but my previous marriage was terrible and has caused issues I can’t seem to overcome. I know it’s the past but it’s not as easy to get over as it should be. Being alive for my kids and family gets difficult on the bad days


Well i don’t really have any advice for relationships. Only been in two terrible short term ones but obviously some days are going to be better than others. Just take it one day at a time and everyday find ways of workingin yourself


Hi Eric! Congratulations on an epic run at sobriety. This is despite family tragedy and challenges with mental health. Regarding depression, therapy and medication can be very helpful. Discovering and tackling the underlying reasons for using alcohol to numb feelings is crucial for staying the path. It’s natural to miss addictions that were our go to in times of struggle. Almost like a friend that has moved away, but is still in reach. What hasn’t helped my depression before is returning to drinking. What has helped is avoiding it at all costs. Nothing good can come from drinking. Remembering your reasons for going sober and utilising your box of tools collected over 422 days of sobriety. Reflect on this question: what advice would you give a loved one who was facing the same challenges as yourself? What you’re going through is tough, but your track record tells me you’ve got this!


Hey welcome! I’m 740 days sober and my mental health is the number one reason I will never pick up alcohol again.
While drinking I would have horrible depressive anxiety filled hangover days and hangover weekends. My mental health will always be a bit of a struggle for me but the very best thing I can do for myself is to no longer drink a depressant.

Remember why you started to quit when you get tempted. That numbing is temporary and might be trying to tell you something. Can you sit with those feelings?
Again welcome, this is a great place to talk over struggles and celebrate strengths.