Welcome @LAB and sharing a bit of your story. This would be an awesome thread to come to for support and to just vent
Hey @Lainenicole96 im bipolar 2. I started at 300mg lamotrigine but now im down to 100mg plus some others. I dont think ive experienced any side effects. Which one in particular are you worried about?
Thank you for sharing that! I’m afraid of things like suicide ideation getting worse or a physical reaction like the rash. I know that it would start off not bad and you’d just need to stop taking it but then I’m afraid of withdrawals which I’ve heard can be horrible for people who realize it made them feel worse. It’s pretty ironic that I’m afraid a medication that is meant to help my mental health could make it worse. I go back and forth about it. The idea of altering my brain chemistry forever is daunting. I’m only prescribed 25 mg to start with daily so it’s a low dose.
Ahh see for me i was already struggling with suicidal ideation everyday so i was open to solutions. Ive been on a concoction of meds for like 15 years
I do too! I just don’t want it to get worse, my last depressive episode was getting scary I texted the suicide hotline two days in a row. But I also have a son I’d never leave. That was when I opened them for the first time because I felt desperate. I’m leaning towards starting them I’m just nervous.