The names Merie. I’ve never been apart of a sobriety group so please go easy on me! I’m tired of the same loophole I’ve found myself in for the last 11 years. More than anything my addiction has impacted my mental health significantly. I’ve grown tired of losing job after job and letting people down. I over think everything and need help with just the simplest objective of saying no to my urges to use again! Hopefully this reaches someone or a group of somebodies that care or are in the same situation or have been! Thank you!
Hi Merie, I’m not struggling with the same thing as you but I can hear how much you want to change and I know if you work for it, you can change.
There are many people here who struggle with methamphetamine addiction. If you search “meth” or “methamphetamine” in the search bar (in Talking Sober, the search bar is beside the microscope symbol), you will find many relevant threads.
Welcome to Talking Sober!
Hi Merie this is my 1st time using a supporter group too so we are both in it together as newbies
Awesome! Thank you for the reply!
Thank you very much Matt! I have been wanting to make a change but, i needed to actually take some steps towards the change and not just wait around for it.
Good morning, when we are in an active using cycle saying no to our thoughts is anything but easy. Once I could accept that I was powerless against active addiction I was able to see ny life for what it was; me trying to control something much stronger than I. The last time I used meth was June 27, 2005. It was my DOC, and I was an all day, everyday, heavy, heavy user for 7 years. I quit cold turkey, suffered the grossest detox and changed everything in my life to stay clean from meth. That being said, I could not stay clean from all substances until I starting going to meetings of Narcotics Anonymous.
I’ve been doing it for 11 years and i still have my teeth and my face seems to be in great condition. I appreciate your words of encouragement and I’m currently attending SMART meetings and it seems to be helping!
I’m glad you could just quit as you did! That gives me such great and high hopes that i can do the same! Thank you so much for your kind words!
Hi and welcome to Talking Sober! I do not have the same type of addiction as you, but I can empathize/resonate with your desire to get or stay sober. My addiction brought me to my knees. Completely derailed me from who I actually was and where I was meant to be. Reading your post, it’s clear to see you’re more than ready and absolutely capable of taking back control. Definitely proud of you and keep fighting! It’s worth it:sparkles: