Milestone celebrations

A truly wonderful celebration.

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Hell yeah man. Just celebrated 22 months pretty much the same way. Worked, on time, then more remodeling work after. Hit the pillow sober and ready to do it again tomorrow.

Life’s good, thanks to sobriety, can’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


Not where I should be for milestones, but dig and respect being able to do the “mundane.” Funny how stress was always an easy excuse/trigger, yet even having myself and shit a little together it melts away.

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Woah!!! Wicked!

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Crazy how it melts away. I never paid bills on time, had eviction notices, water turned off for weeks at a time.

Not drinking not only keeps you clear headed enough to pay bills, but you have money from not drinking and spending inordinate amounts of money on bullshit while drunk and avoid all the fees from turn ons and bank fees.

Good gravy, I was a terrible drunk.

And to add my man, every 24 hour hour period sober is a milestone, every 24 period counts, you’re sober today so you’re a success

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I am sorry you are struggling. I don’t know the circumstances, but I do know you are a strong person who gets stuff done and offers practical, real world assistance here. You are valued and worthy of all good things.

Our issues don’t have to define us and rarely does anyone have a healthy whole psyche that couldn’t use some fine tuning and care.

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I had cake and got a tat. And great friends wished me well with video and voice messages.
And :cake::rofl:

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