Milestone ig?

Congrats. Sobriety is for you. Nobody else needs to care or comment to validate your achievement - it’s your work and you get to reap the rewards and benefits. Treat yourself this week.

How wonderful for you! What a tremendous milestone. Be proud of yourself because you did it! Don’t focus on the non-response. I just told two of my brothers I quit drinking. They were like “meh”

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That’s amazing :clap: you are amazing!

Congratulations :partying_face:

One year is a huge deal so don’t you ever doubt that. I keep my sobriety to myself (except for here) so I understand that feeling when no one celebrates you. But ultimately YOU need to celebrate you…that is all.

So bake your self a cake (or pie) put on your favourite movie and celebrate you!!

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One year is an amazing accomplishment. Be proud and happy for where you are!


One year is a massive milestone! Congratulations on your soberversary​:partying_face: thank you for sharing it with us :ok_hand::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::two_hearts:


Congratulations 1 year is great and just remind yourself your doing it for you and your happy sober future.