Milestones are still tough (5 years today)

I wasn’t going to post my milestone today because I was feeling a bit alone and down but then I saw the motivational message on my counter page and I felt like something was inspiring/motivating me to keep going and celebrate.

Is this what a Higher Power feels like?? (IYKYK)

It’s also my belly button birthday tomorrow. A LOT more that 5 years. :joy:


That is so amazing!! Huge congratulations on 5 years. I also have noticed that for whatever reason the milestones seem to be a little hard. Keep your head up :heart:


Huge congratulations :upside_down_face::tada: I am glad you shared it with us. And happy birthday also :blossom::partying_face:


Thats an amazing feat @VSue keep fighting the good fight


Yep, I believe something else’s will is what pushed you to post this, and I’m so damn glad that you did!
You’re a staple here and a much needed voice for and to others. All this simple alcoholic knows.

Happy soberversay-birthday and keep em coming. It’s the only way we truly get to be happy, joyous and free! Hugs & cake for you. :hugs::cake:


Congratulations on 5 years and happy birthday!

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Congratulations @VSue! :partying_face: :tada:
Half a decade is huge so I’m glad you shared.
Hope you do something nice for yourself to celebrate.

Happy Birthday too! Enjoy your day!

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Congratulations @VSue Sue on your 5 years of recovery, well done! I am very happy for you. Happy Birthday to you too! :tada::hugs::pray:t5:


What a milestone to celebrate! Heartfelt congratulations to you!!

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Milestones are tricky days, I love them and hate them at the same time. I’m proud because I’ve made it, but it causes me cravings as well and I rather would live without having an addiction and having milstones…
Follow me still? :blush::face_with_peeking_eye:
But…damn proud of you lady, because we both know how hard it is to get where we are!
Congratulations with 5 year of hard work and progress, may many of both follow! :confetti_ball::partying_face:


I am glad you posted because 5 years is a big deal and a lot of hard work that YOU did!!! I am sorry you are in a funk…milestones…they can be weird. I hope you know Sue how much of a difference you make here and in ‘real life’…just because you are you. :heart::people_hugging::heart: Congratulations on your big 5!! What a journey!!!

And happy birthday!!! :tada::birthday::partying_face:


I am glad that you did share your huge accomplishment of 5 years with us. This is impressive and should be celebrated.
I am sorry you are feeling alone and down. Sending you hugs and comfort :hugs: We are here for you if you should need.
A very pre Happy Birthday wish to you - hope you enjoy your day tomorrow :birthday: :partying_face:

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Yayyyyyyyy! Well done. I needed this happy motivation today. Thank you. :bouquet::birthday:

Hi Sue,
5 years is a very big deal. For me, it was when the feeling of being a normal person who doesn’t drink began to settle on my psyche. That feeling replaced the perception that every day was a fight against my alcoholism.

Sharing milestones is important because it gives people who are rooting for you, like me, a reason to celebrate. And to those who came after you, it gives inspiration. I vividly recall, at about 4 months sober, two friends getting 2 year medallions, and thinking to myself “You know, I bet I can get to two years too, if they can!”

Much love to you!

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Congratulations Sue. What an inspiration X

Thank you everyone. This really does mean a lot to me. I just find milestones so hard because I am quite alone in my IRL celebration. People in my life really don’t get how hard this is. They either have no idea how bad it was or they are the type of people who would say “so just stop drinking”. So I keep it all to myself.

But I’m glad I have all of you who just get it.

Thanks again.


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:
Those times when you are feeling a bit down are the times to reach out, even tho you don’t feel like it. Thanks for sharing that with us! I’m happy to be able to celebrate with you.

Congratulations VSue! 5 years is awesome! I’m so glad you posted so we could celebrate you!

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I hope you are very proud of yourself :slight_smile:

This is a huge achievement that shouldn’t be downplayed, it should be rewarded with words of love and encouragement.

I admire your strength, even if I do not know you.

Take care!

Congratulations, 5 years is huuuuge!
And happy birthday :balloon:
Enjoy your day 🩷

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