Moment of truth

Hi there! Well tonight is going to be very interesting since this is the first big party I’m going to with most of my drinking friends. I am going to be loaded with soda water and fruit juice and hoping I can get through tonight happily! Any advice my way would really help!

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Have an exit plan! People will try and tempt you, even if they know your quitting. Don’t be afraid to leave early.

The risk management portion is in your control. Are you rdy for a party? Remember not drinking isn’t a punishment! It’s your new way of life!


Think about how you might feel afterward if you drank. Regret, disappointment, like you let yourself down again. Think about how you will feel afterward if you take control and don’t drink. Proud of a job well done, no regrets or disappointment. It’s your choice


Thank you for that! I like the saying "it’s not a punishment it is my new way of life":ok_hand::heart: