Morning routines anyone?!

Wake up
Make coffee
Try to find the best morning routine for too long
Realize I havent done much
Coffee is cold
I’m late
Well, maybe tomorrow I’ll do better.
Run all day because I’m late.


Thats a super awesome morning! How’d you come up with it?

Fake it till you make it is a valid strategy for certain habits. I read in a brain chemistry book ‘Nuerons that fire together, wire together’. Eventually it will be natural. Keep it up!


There’s some honesty. Baby steps. Make that morning routine as easy as possible. only add to it when you know it won’t prevent you from doing it tomorrow.

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Hahaaa. So, ok… After I got arrested, I was so deeply ashamed. The way I grew up, this just does not happen. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. So, every day, I look at the mugshots to not feel so alone lol. I’m not the only one who has fucked up. Sometimes I see people that look so sad and I just want to hug them and promise them it will get better.

On the flip side, I have also come across some really funny shit :joy:


My best friend is a cancer survivor and very into being healthy. She told me about the oil pulling which I have never heard of! Apple cider vinegar in warm water I had heard about on many different website’s. And the Bulletproof Coffee she also told me about. It is a biohack and really good for your body. Check it out my husband and I enjoy our cups of bulletproof every morning!

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After the usual wake up, brush teeth, etc stuff -
I put on a cartouche necklace that has an image of my higher power holding me up, say the 3rd step prayer, and then go make coffee. If I’m awake early enough for an 8:00 am AA meeting, I go to that one and if not I make a plan to hit the noon or 6pm meeting. After that it depends on my mood, what needs doing around the house, and whether I’m feeling creative enough to work on art stuff.


That’s an amazing necklace. Where did you get it??

Thank you for sharing. That sounds like an awesome start to the day

Books! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for the tip I’ll definitely download the audiobook.

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I kind of got addicted to audiobooks in early sobriety and it’s a part of my life now. Not trying to brag or anything :roll_eyes: but I am consuming 60/year. Total game changer.

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Take dog out


What’s in the shake?!

I got it from an artist on Etsy, his shop is called FromEqyptwithLove11. He even engraved “One day at a time” on the back for me

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Hit my knees
Do morning affirmations
Get to work hit a meeting on zoom

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Wake up
Take my meds
Sit outside in the sunshine
Smoke my morning cigarettes
Color my morning pictures on Happy Color

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I love Etsy!! So many awesome things. Thank you for sharing.

What’s happy color? That sounds fun!

Morning work meeting and phone calls.
More coffee!

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Don’t forget coffee! :wink:

  • wake up at 5:30am
  • push the snooze button
  • jump out of bed at 6:10am
  • brushing teeth etc.
  • walking to the train station
  • arriving at work and having my first coffee before any of my collegues arrive :grin: