Mornings now

I love waking up knowing I’m not going to drink instead of wondering when I can get my first


Refreshing isn’t it, just too feel the get up and go. I used spend mine in this panic too get the pills down me from x5 or 6 50mg before 9am, then I felt like I could function properly, looking back like wtf was I doing


I’ve had a few more now and yep they’re still pretty good, open eyes, realising I’m sober I pray for one more day, read daily reflection, read Eckhart toll, post on WhatsApp, check sober days counter, check TS messages. Then get out of bed and generally rock the world with the weight of my presence. What do you do.


6 months later wtf I’ve had 2 drinks in 6 months, wow. pity I’m only on 117.

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Was reading a book about recovery that said something like
Mornings don’t taunt me, cornering me with evidence.
I felt that. Looking at the debris - how many cans? Omg, I broke that!
So glad to not have that.

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my recycle bin was embarrassing to say the least it was just a wheelie bin of beer cans.


I like not waking up to a counter full of empty beer cans. I was always too lazy to put them in the trash at night. My husband did the same thing so imagine how many were there in the morning. I tried to say they were all his but all the ones with straws were a giveaway. :joy: :joy:
He did chuckle when i blamed him, like what man would ever drink beer with a straw.


I would take my empty cans of foul 9% lemonade to different recycle places. Oh, the wasted effort! So dumb.


a man that has been told that you get drunk quicker if you drink through a straw, myth or fact???.
it’s good to know that our sobriety is saving the planet :joy:

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Fact for me but then again I was always a light weight.

it was probably the straw that made you think you were one.


birds sing as the sun breaks through the clouds lighting up my day, a dog whines in the distance waiting for food, the wind rattles the wooden wind chimes and the gentle gossip of people as the world slowly wakes up.

Yep all contriving to wake me up too early on my day off. Puts you oon edge before you even get out of bed. Here goes another day of thinking about drink all day. It’s just gone 9 am and it would already be nice to be drunk. No promises no regrets.

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