Hi, well, I am stuck here. I know that alchocol is not a the thing for me. But-I have no motivation to let it go… I LOOVE to have a drink (or five…)… Next morning sucks, but evening is like-well, just one drink And its never one, you know. And, for fckin sake, I do love this. How can I get me out of here?
I have gained weight, blood analysis is bad
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You’ve mentioned 3 things that you don’t like about your drinking; the hangovers, weight gain and high blood pressure (that’s a serious one btw). I hope you find a way out of addiction before that list gets way longer. Checking in on here is a great first step, and it shows that, even though you say you “do love this”, something is starting to bother you about it! Wishing you the best!
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