Moving onward

Same situation here. I didn’t expect anything from getting sober - except the escape from the slavery of alcohol - but now that you mention it, perhaps deep down I had SOME hope that a couple of things would get sorted out just by not drinking. Well, that didn’t happen :slight_smile:
I’m sorry to say I really don’t have any advice. I guess some kind of therapy could help. I don’t know. But I do know that you are not alone in this. And, all things considered (let’s put aside the feeling of being lost and without purpose and the sensation that you - well, I, because now I am describing my feelings :slight_smile: - are missing something), we are sober. And that, my friend, counts for something!


Amazing post!

Not saying you are anything like me or i am anything like you but however i can relate to people quickly coming and going in and out of my life.Ecspecially now that i am sober.First for me i had to come to terms that i had abandonment issues that came from when I was a child(why am i still carrying that on at 42).Second,my sponsor had told me that is why it is suggested not to welcome any type of relationship for the first year so that i can work on myself and be okay with being just by myself.Third as they put it by nature when it comes to this sober journey either people are going to come aboard or they by nature are going to drift apart.Either way i have to be accepting of that.We no longer hold or be held emotionally hostage.All I can do is make sure my side of the street is clean and trust that my higher power has my best interest in mind and will protect me.I say that to say it may not be you it very well could be them and before they without meaning to, breakdown what your higher power has built, maybe your higher power sent them on a different path as a way of safe guarding your :heart:.It will be okay…you are not alone we all go through it.17 months later i am still going through it;searching through the weeds to find my flower type thing…


Thanks for this. I always seem to think one of two things: I am the problem, or these people are just wanting something from me. Ever since I got sober, Ive been more lonely than ever, and as the years go on it only seems to get worse. However, I do have some friends and they have been there. I am unsure why people come and go constantly, maybe its the universe or something. Whatever it is, I cant figure it out, and I have tried. Its frustrating for sure, but maybe these people arent the best for my life.

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