My 14 day mark

Today marks 14 days with no alcohol. I’ve stopped drinking before but always went back to it. What’s different this time? I left a job where I was miserable and have launched a freelance venture. Now I look forward to each day instead of dreading it. My blood pressure is lower than it has been in years! 108/70.


Welcome to Talking Sober, Brian. Taking different actions yields different results, right? Have a good look around here, I hope you can find direction so you can grow a good strong sobriety, and come to that “personality change sufficient to bring about recovery from alcoholism.” That’s a quote from the AA book defining a spiritual experience.

Here’s some conversations for you.


Welcome and congratulations on 2 weeks sober!


Thank you! It feels good.

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Welcome, @JustMe541 ! Youre going to love it here! This and the Sober app, AA and working the Steps with my sponsor have helped me immensely to maintain my sobriety. :purple_heart:


Welcome! How are you doing today?

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I’m doing well, thanks. 17 days today! To reward myself, I’m taking a few days off for a short vacation by train.


Train trip sounds wonderful. Congrats on 17 days. Thanks for checking in.