Here’s to not drinking this weekend! Already talking to myself about it this morning. We can do this.
Your doing amazing. Just like you said, One day one hour one minute at a time.
Keeping busy and educating myself about alcohol helped.
Day 6 coming to a close.
Dreading tomorrow afternoon. It’s a work event, party and it’s on a boat no less so no possible way to duck out early… 8pm here so I’m going to wrap up my Friday with some seltzer and grapefruit juice, continue reading this Naked Mind and read here. Kids are sleeping already thankfully. My mind is spent. I was really grumpy today… hope that phase passes soon. Almost 1 week.
For those of you who told people you weren’t drinking anymore, how did you go about it? Is there a need to tell? Or just let it be?
YES we CAN!!
I downloaded the Naked Mind (Annie Grace) this morning. I’ll be checking it out after work. Thanks for the recommendation.
We’ve got this! One day at a time!
It really changed my outlook. There are a lot of statistics in the book and not a lot to back them up. But I still think it is one of my favorite books on alcohol and I read a lot those first few months.
You can do this! Being on a boat is a challenge but I think being prepared mentally is going to be your best weapon. I haven’t made any huge announcements regarding quitting. I feel like people have heard this from me before and instead of announcing it I’m letting my actions do the talking. For example last weekend at my sister’s house I just drank diet soda and water while everyone else was drinking. No one really even noticed. They were so involved in their own drinks and slightly tipsy that it was a non issue. I find for social situations (like a party or restaurant) if I decide what I’m going to order ahead of time in less inclined to cave and order that glass of wine or cocktail. I club soda (maybe seltzer where you are) and cranberry juice is a good alternative for me. Have a plan and you’ll make it. And think of how great you’ll feel tomorrow having stayed sober for the night!!
Well, off to staff boat trip. I packed some soda water for myself as I am not counting on them having it onboard. And it’s really the only thing that helps. Funny. I used to secrectly pack booze. Now I am secrectly packing seltzer! Here’s hoping the next few hours go smoothly. I will not drink. Not today.
I DID IT!!! Not a drop. Man that was the longest day ever. EVER. A few people asked why I wasn’t drinking as not drinking is not what they are used to. On the way back home now and ready to hug my kids and crash into bed. ! And maybe have a chocolate cookie…LOL.
Nice one. Little victories like this make us stronger!
Hi Kelly. Welcome. I was exactly the same way. My wife would say, “let’s have A drink.” She would have 1 drink. For me, 1 became 2, 2 became blackout. Not remembering conversations with my kids was scary. I tried dozens of times to become a moderate drinker. Never worked and always ended in the same place. Hungover and wondering what I said/did the night before. I also read This Naked Mind and took it to heart. I realized that alcohol… even 1 drink… will put me in exactly the same place. I’ve been sober for over a year and no longer miss it. Not even a little. I have better relationships with my wife/kids/friends and am more productive and active than ever. You can do this. I promise you that life is better without alcohol. You are on the right path.
Good work!
Hi Kelly, i can relate to a lot of what you say. Welcome.
Sounds like me except i have no
Kids! I’m on day 4, here if you need to talk!
@Shannen how was your weekend? I made it through sober & am 5 days away from a month. Hope you had a good weekend!
@crystalclear omg that’s such good! Yeah I made it through sober it was strange cause my worst day was yesterday and I really wasnt expecting that…but yeah it was okay
You are def not alone! I’ve hit reset more times than I’d like to admit to. As a matter of fact I hit that little button again this morning. But see the way I’m thinking is that little reset button is green for go, like I’m going to live sober and actually live and enjoy life. I’m not going to be scared that I’m not going to wake up in the morning cause I’ve been on a bender and died. I’m not going to hate myself for repeating this cycle of life that can and will destroy my life. I’m saying this more to myself today but hoping this helps you in your journey.
@eliken Keep saying it! It does get better. Checking in here often has helped me so much. I didnt do that before. Heading to sleep now and tomorrow is Day 9. It isnt easy but like you say…its breaking the cycle. We can do this. Keep checking in here. Stay focused.