My broken path to recovery

im gonna give some insight on myself. i’m a young addict and alcoholic, been using since i was 11. the only substances i haven’t done are coke crack heroin, and anything extremely hard to get. never done those 3 because my uncle used them to commit suicide, which also happened to be the same day i smoked and drank for the first time. if it was in front of me i would do it, but one day, 111 days ago today i made the decision to get sober, quit all drugs but couldn’t kick alcohol, i managed it much better tho and wasn’t slammed 24/7. got myself a job and started attending school, i fixed my shit, but every addict has a setback. mine was last night, i was going through a rough time, and my friend was blazing up, smoking a joint, so i asked for a rip, they kinda mindlessly passed it forgetting i was sober, and i got high. weed has always been a big part of my addiction, if i was doing any other substance i was smoking kush as-well, i smoked weed like cigarettes through my whole addiction going through probably an ounce a week. so i know that if i start blazing again, it will not stop there, i’ll get a tab or 2, then MDMA, then percocet, oxy, codeine, you name it, all starts with me smoking again. i know how the addiction will restart but today, the morning after smoking again, it feels impossible not to blaze. it feels like a necessity to smoke up, but i cant, i finally have my shot together, i cannot throw it away. i’m gonna leave this thread here, i’ll update it in a few minutes with what lead me to blaze, so fellow addicts can avoid a similar situation


We already know what led you to it. You were hanging around with people who were smoking weed.


And, I feel, you continue to drink isn’t helping shit either. Just my opinion. Feel better, get back to the previous and consider letting the booze go too, or this tape will likely keep replaying.


trust me dawg i know my wrongs, i know doing what i’m doing will replay this shit forever, but it’s impossible for me to stop yo. if you don’t think ive tried you’re wrong, i’m still drinking because i need something, i kicked every substance, but still have that addiction to not being sober, alcohal can get me there and in my opinion it’s much better than drugs.


If we’re not ready, we just aren’t. I get it. Just know you don’t have to do this shit alone and when you are ready, we’ll be here. Hugs Jace.


News flash…You were never sober if you were still drinking. You just have to bite the bullet and give it all up at one time. There are quite a few of us here that have done it and we’re here for guidance when you’re ready.


You can be an alcoholic/addict and just not use because we usually find that theres no controlling our use of any substance.theyre both giving you the same sence of relief from reality, usually builds tolerance quickly and you just need more all the time. To say that ive done the same before taken the lesser of 2 evils does it sound ok?gave up meth for cocaine then was right back to doing speed balls. Or ive quit smoking herb just to start chain smoking cigarettes? Better just to leave it all alone, for the benefit of my mental and physical health i need to abstain from all mind altering substances, if you want to really recover. Just remember that alcohol is also a psychoactive drug/downer, depressant.


Keep walking forward, at this stage if you’ve managed to bin off a few of the substances then that’s a positive move and you got to fight for your life to stay free of them.

Spend your time with different people, think of groups you’d like to join and hobbies you’d like to have? What about some local volunteering? If you make new friends who are not taking substances then this is one of the strongest steps you can take.

The people you spend time with are what you will become in the future.

I recommend trying to ditch off the drink.
It’s HARD!
Because you are going against the flow of main society, you are like a lone wolf in a world full of sheep who follow the advertising, who think that drinking as a good and fun thing to do (it isn’t) in reality that drinking will just take down your guard, it will take away your strength and it will leave you vulnerable to going back to the other drugs too.

Watch YouTube videos about sobriety, learn about it and the steps you’ll go through as you come off the addictive substances. Read books or get the audio books. Come on here and read and learn. You have the power in you to quit this but effort and commitment is needed. It’ll be hard-- but not as hard as a life of addiction.

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Hi, how are you feeling today?
I think its great you know you need to stop and not carry on.
Try to concentrate on the now and not that night you did smoke.
Keep going forward and remind yourself how well you had done the past 111 days and how quick it is to lose the life you have building for yourself and even where now thinking of stopping alcohol too. You have come so far to just give up now.
Im glad you reached out for support i know you can do this :hugs:

Your not alone :slightly_smiling_face:

Someone once said to me “show me your friends and il show you your future”, that really stuck with me. You can do this.