My Cocaine Addicition

Hi Everyone,
Im new to this so thought id start by introducing myself. Ive been a cocaine user for almost 20 years… cant actually believe its been that long after starting for just recreational purposes then went on to excessive use and its now impacted my work and personal life.

Am now in so much debt after being made redundant from 17 years of being employed last year ive had no choice but to go sober as i simply just cant afford the rockstar lifestyle i used to have…

Ive lost friends, family and lovers because of my addiction and its taken me a long time to admit i have a problem but here i am…

I know my triggers and it always starts with a drink and like most people i say it will just be a line and pace myself with a gram of coke but that quickly becomes an 8 ball and then a quarter and before i know it im back on the wagon again.

Ive gone through ounces of coke in days in the past and longest ive been sober is 5 days as far as i can remember.

Today is day 1 sober.
I know it will be a struggle and the biggest challenge ive ever faced but i know this has to be done to better myself and become the man i used to be.

Thanks for reading and I hope others can learn from my story and experiences to know when to quit before the addicition ruins your life.

Its never too late to quit im 39 now and was hospitalised when i was 33 for an overdose but still continued until now.

Its time for a change, for the better.


Welcome to the forum and thank u for sharing a bit of ur story. Congratulations on ur decision to get clean! My most recent DOC was crack cocaine and that began years ago due to my addiction to cocaine. I can relate to ur story with how destructive it is financially, phsyically, and emotionally. Recovery is possible. You dont have to live this way any longer :slight_smile: Stay connected to all of us here on the forum and ask for help before u pick up so that we can help u thru it. Im rooting for u!


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

Today is a great place to start :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to an amazing sober community! Just focus on one day at a time. Try not to worry about future or past. Just focus on the now.

P.s. image the new you. What does that look like?


Thank you so much and me too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Bless you, thats so kind of you and thank you so much for the support. Will defo reach out when i start to crave again which im sure will be soon :pensive:

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Thanks so much

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Great advice and thanks for the support, new me would like the opposite of me now haha :smile: not that i look bad but my lifestyle is defo cause for a change :wink: