Hey everybody my name is Horace and I’m proud to say that as of 06/18/2020 I hit my 1st year milestone for being sober from opioids. I have to say I never thought I would see the day I could say that and prove it. I am very much so proud of myself as well as my family and friends. Nobody told me that this road would be easy but I can tell you that the journey was well worth the travel. I hope and pray that all is well with each and every person who is, have, will go through the struggle of being addicted to mood and mind altering substances. I can also say that I don’t even have or get the urge to want to use anymore but I haven’t arrived yet knowing we only get a day to reprieve that’s exactly how I go at life now 1 day at a time. I utilize all the tools I’ve learned from all the speaker, NA, and AA speaker meetings I’ve been to every single day in my life in every single way I can. Until one day after my release I decided to use crack cocaine instead of what I call “THE NORM” for me. My life as been in a downward spiral since I have made the unfortunate decision to use again. Now I know drugs are drugs and I can only blame myself for not being more conscious of my actions and only thinking with my feelings. But now I’m at the point of just giving up on myself it’s like I can’t get any positive reinforcement from those who I thought I could depend on during my hardest and what seems to be my worst of time. I’m exactly sure what I’m going to do as of now but I am genuinely searching for answers and seeking help anyway I can find it before I possibly make the most stupidest irrefutable choice of my almost 28 yr lifespan… Can anybody please talk to me at all and give me just a little courage strength and hope to carry on?.?.?
Qh sorry to hear that bud. Take the plunge. Make the calls. Youll regret it the longer you let it slide. Make the calls.
Welcome! Have you considered rehab? Wishing you the best.
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