My daily check in

My daughter is designing one for me. I asked her to do one for my 6 months, but it soon became clear that her design was too good for that. So I’m saving to have it done big.


Ah lovely :grinning:

What’s she drawn you?

It’s based around strength, and wisdom, it’s got a carp, a sword and she’s still working on the rest. Got a few deadlines at uni at the moment. But there’s no rush.

Ahh sounds fab :+1:

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I love lemon lime & bitters it’s amazing!

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Morning everyone. I am so proud of myself yesterday tipping the wine away and I feel pleased I have made if to this morning 5 days sober. Here’s to a new day.


You win

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Yay !!! Woop woop. Your doing great x

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I’m trying xx


Morning. Seven days sober :sunglasses:. And went to the pub last night and had posh fizzy drinks. Fentimens for those in the uk.

Had a chat with other half last night. The support is wavering now. Called at pub for one. Which turned into two fizzy drinks for him to say shall we have another and I replied. I think I’ve done really well to sit here with all these people drinking round me and I’ve had two fizzy drinks and I’d like to go home now.
To which he had a slight sulk !!! When got home I asked him if he preferred drink me or sober me. And he said he liked both ! Told him that’s not supporting. So I’m still sober. I actually asked him if me staying sober was going to affect our relationship to which he said no. I’m doing this for him !!! .

Morning @Rolysgirl. Congratulations on 7 days.
This is where I think it gets difficult when dealing with partners. The reality hits home that you are doing something that used to be a part of your life differently. Your not drinking when you go out.
Especially when you realise that, actually, you’d like to go home.
I stayed away from pubs in my early days. Just at the start of the new year we had 2 funerals that ended up in the pub. It was ok for me by then as I had already made the decision that I was not drinking. I was quite happy to sit there with a orange juice and lemonade. No worries. But others where all, " you all right" or “this must be hard for you” or " you must be really fed up watching us lot enjoy ourselves?" This could and would wind me up.
I was fine. Nobody seemed to understand, I’d made my peace with alcohol.
I would just like to say something about your last line. Don’t do this for him. Your doing this for you!
Resentments can arise if you end up feeling like your doing it for someone, who you feel, maybe isn’t appreciating it.


Well done on sticking to the posh fizzies last night!

One thing I’ve found if I’m going out sober to a night out type place like the pub or whatever is that I have to bring my A game. When I was drinking it was easy to feel a bit quiet or grumpy or just not super up for it and then after 4 or 5 drinks I’d be the life and soul with no effort on my part to change my mood.

When I’m sober I have to make a conscious decision to be sociable and chatty when Im out. It takes a lot of heat off of me too from people trying to get me to drink because they dont really notice that I’m not. It also helps me enjoy going out more. It’s a bit of a fake it till I make it situation.

Just a thought that might help.

Some wise words from @anon12657779 above too. This is something I can for me. Putting it on my partner’s shoulders would be recipie for so much resentment and heartbreak.


Morning your doing great 7 days soba and going out to pubs and not drinking… i was still In bed crying on my day 7 !!! Please do this to change you and not r your partner… i really don’t mean to sound mean but your so worth this life of sobriety… i went into recovery with my partner we was both heavily into drugs … i love my recovery and my partner struggled cos he was doing it 4 me and not himself that caused him to relapse… so not only was he upset with himself it’s broke me and my daughter heart … he did great getting back on track but he had to do it 4 him not me or Millie… he had to realise he is worthy of a great life and not plod alone happily on my recovery… your worth this recovery too and it’s the best gift u can give yourself… focus on u 4 a while… your partner will be happy 4 u when he sees how happy u become x


Thank you x

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Probably didn’t make it clear. Am doing it for him aswell. But mainly for me. I don’t think it would be fair tonshift the responsibility to him and say it was just for him

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8 days sober. Nailing this. Don’t even want a drink :sunglasses:


So yesterday was garden day. Painted the fence and did a load of weeding. Today the weather isn’t so good so maybe sort caravan out. Was going to go to the gym. Sunday is our day but my bp is up slightly so might just go on the sunbed and have a chat with the regulars. Hubby and I have been going on a Sunday morning together for six months now. We go in the week but at different times.

So happy Sunday everyone and stay strong. :purple_heart:

You too!
Just have a chill day today :sunglasses:

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