My Dances With The Devil

My name is Kayla Logan. Im 18 years old and have struggled with addiction a few times but never been to rehab or detox centers… It started with me finding Xanax and trying that when I was 16. Quit those when I relapsed before my little brothers baseball game and was nodding out and my mom had to take me home and i blacked out… then it went to drinking… weekends at first… then weekdays… then went to meth and that’s what im on now… ive been doing it for a few months… thought it was ok… thought i was fine… last time I slipped was the 23rd of this month… I almost ruined my family’s Christmas because i was still loaded by the time Christmas eve rolled around. Im still struggling to eat and I’m sleeping too much but I’m slowly getting better… I guess…

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Get away from it and get into a program Kayla. You are still so young and at the beginning of your life. In my career, I have dealt with the after effects of meth use for 20 years, including my own niece. My problem is alcohol, it is just as devastating, the damage just seems to take a lot longer to surface. If you’re in this forum, you recognize u have a problem, don’t wait 20 years like I did before you make a change. Missing out on decades of your life is something you will never have an opportunity to replay.

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