My day 1 today

Today is my first day attempting sobriety. I am struggling really bad but I know this is something I need to do. I feel so alone. I hid my problem for so long and justified it because I was functional. I don’t know what I’m doing at all but I figured not picking up the bottle is a start.


Welcome to this community, Paris! I’ve made lifelong virtual friends here. This community helps me stay sober.


Hey, not picking up the bottle is the first start, I’m on day 6 today, it’s been a wild ride last the 6 days and not easy at times but I look at all the people here who have many days more sober and it gives me motivation, 1 day at a time the shitty parts come and go but will eventually get easier


Thank you, I’m hoping it will do the same for me


Definitely off to a good start…not picking up that bottle and coming to tgis community. You are not alone! Here you will find many like minded people. The threads are filled with great advice.
When urges get hard, check out the just for fun threads to keep you occupied :wink:

This is a one day at a time journey. It is difficult at the beginning but it dies get easier with time! Stick with it and reap the beautiful rewards sobriety has to offer.
Welcome :hugs:


Welcome to the Forum Paris.
I was a highly functioning alcoholic. And now I look back and it was soooo exhausting.
You have found a great sober community here if you want to use us.
Have a good read around.
Join in when you’re comfortable.
Here’s a good thread to start.

Advice for new comers and constant relapsers
Hope to see you around.


Hi I’m on day 2, done 4 weeks then 11 days then decided to drink, I feel bad for resetting again but I’m not giving up, my partner drinks and others in my house so I’ve found that harder but also helps me if that makes sense, I’m back to the gym tomorrow as off to take my daughter horse riding later, drinking is awful it strips you off every thing, I plan to get back on track up early and staying focused again I just need to get a big grip of when the cravings come, I did really notice one thing that I felt very emotionally flat and bored when they did, I managed to say no when everyone else was drinking, so I know I have the strength, love and strength sent to you all


Seeking outside support from a place like this is a great idea.


Welcome! You’ve made a big step by coming here and one that you will not regret because you’re not alone here, far from it. Read the forums and resources - it will help you.

I was the same - hid my problem. It’s great not to have to lie about it any more, feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

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Good morning Paris
How are you doing today?


Welcome from another former “functioning” alcoholic! You say you have no idea what you’re doing, but look at what you did in one post- you admitted to yourself and other that you have a problem, you sought out a helpful community, and you made a plan to not pick up. You’re already doing great. I also hid my problem forever. I have recently found it helpful in my friend and work circles to tell people at social gatherings that I don’t drink because of my health goals. Takes a lot of pressure and mystery away, and it’s still true.


Yes! A huge weight off is exactly how I feel!

Yesterday I was a mess physically…the withdrawals and shakes and sweats almost got to me. But once I finally slept I was okay. I woke up today feeling rested and for the first time in years, not sick or with a headache. The good feeling is scary because I start thinking “I feel great I can probably have just one” but I’ll refrain. Going into work then for a nice long walk after is the plan. My birthday is in 2 days and it’ll be my first sober birthday. I’d planned on going out but I’m staying home because I don’t want to be triggered.


Yes- the beginning is very trying and i totally understand that devil saying “hey i feel great, i drink wont hurt”…do refrain- remind yourself that its literally poison and who wants that. Focus on the great feeling of waking up to no hangover.
Your walk sounds nice - i do hope you get to enjoy!
Happy early bday! Wise to not put yourself in triggering situations but you can celebrate by going to dinner / movie / doing an outdoor activity :thinking:


My boyfriend and I are going to stay home and make some new recipes together. Still going to get dressed up but I know if I go out I’ll go overboard. Once I admitted to him my problem he agreed to be sober with me as well even though he’s more of a holiday drinker. That helped me a lot to not feel so judged…


Day 1 is always the hardest, try and keep active, i.e go to the gym, go for a swim, go for a walk. Find ways that will help you.
I have every faith. :pray:t3:

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Thats awesome that hes supportive!

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Oh thats so lovely- you two will have a blast!

So glad to hear that you have such great support. We are also all here if you need.
Have a wonderful day :blush:


Thank you so much! You too!

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Today is my day one again as well .