My Dopamine Triggers

So tomorrow I’m 2 weeks of the weed, feeling my brain coming back to normal and my anxiety much much less!

I’m afraid though of looping back into Dopamine cycles again, the habits of fast pleasure and no actual benefit at all, which in my point of view are the the other face of addiction, so I came here to list them for myself and expose them:

1- The phone, the phone and the phone: my screentimes on weed used to pass 8 hours a day! after I quit it dramatically decreased the first week, but now, I find myself looking at the screen whenever I’m bored or in craving.
2- Porn: the famous Dopamine fix, once done, boy oh boy, I feel worse than before. Such a dump decision to make.
3- Coffee: Opposite of stoned? No! When I caught myself drinking the 4th cup of coffee today after a redbull, my heart was beating like a hummingbird. It’s not the solution.
4- Killing work hours: I still have a nice job! With the weed I worked with a very distracted mind going 100 mph, now I have a clear mind that doesn’t want to work because…meh… where is my Dopamine?

Habits I need to start building:

1- Replace my screen time with piano time, nothing heals the heart like good music.
2- Stop looking for Dopamine fixes, bitter patience but necessary, and practice more Serotonin habits like meditation.
3- Drink more green tea than coffee.
4- Plan my work day ahead and try to find the pleasure in finishing my task.

That’s what’s on my mind for today only, now how are you? :sweat_smile:

Much love :heart:


congrats on your 2 weeks! We do always need to be vigilant of our addictive mind and it’s constant need to search for that dopamine rush.

Grateful that you have made a list - keep it handy as a reminder for when you need to fill the dopamine need.

Sending you strength to keep going strong ODAAT! :muscle: :heart:


Thank you :heart:

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