My first AA meeting is Tomorrow

This is my 2nd post so far and they are minutes apart idk how this page works but sorry for posting minutes apart. But I have my first Zoom AA meeting tomorrow I’m not sure if that is the group I want to stay in. But I’m kinda scared and I’m scared because I’m trying to hide it from my family because if they knew I even touched alcohol I would be homeless. I’m just scared about how I will hide it since I don’t have my own room or space and my family is over baring and strict and religious. Im both scared and excited for this meeting I hope it’s not awkward. I have bad social anxiety so I hope that it doesn’t act up during the meeting. P.s I been working out everyday and it’s been helping me stay sober. :slight_smile:


It is a bit scary in the beginning. You could just listen to what others share. Headphones on? Could even keep the video off. We come together to share experience, strength and hope. This shit is tough but it takes a strong person to ask for help. Hugs and welcome, Naomi


Thank you so much I think it will go well :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for the support :relaxed:

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Take it from this old timer your be ok ,doing something about your problem wish you well