My first day, again

“Identify isolating behavior and call my sponsor.”
My relapse prevention plan plays over and over again inside my head. After 2.5 years I slipped and fell flat on my face. All those emotions I already worked through have came back in full effect and I dread facing them again. I ask myself why I couldn’t deal with the emotions that caused me to slip in the first place. Seems like it would be so much easier than everything I’ve gotten myself into now. But guess who didn’t talk about it, didn’t call their sponsor, and allowed themselves to lose a really good chunk of clean time? Yeah, it was me. Again.
Things have fallen apart within a couple of months. The relationships are strained again. The things I acquired have disappeared. My confidence lost. Why do I feel so hopeless?
I know it’s the first day and things will get hard before they get better but I’m willing to do the work again.
So thanks for the welcome back, it’s good to be here again.


Hugs, sweetie. Good to see you here; chin up! :hugs:

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That really is hard, I wish I had words to comfort u. Don’t focus on the time u “lost”. We are all just doing our best for today.

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Hey its OK you had a slip…who has not at some point? You seem to know how things went wrong for you and the way back also, so here we go then …lets start day 1 and from here it only gets better.

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Well done on coming back. You haven’t lost you clean time, it’s still there. You relapsed. Today is a new day, stand back up and get back to charging forward. Addiction is a sneaky thing. I’m so glad you came back, many don’t get the chance to try again. Go easy on yourself, you are fighting a hard fight. You are not alone! Together we are stronger, one step at a time my friend. :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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