My First NA Meeting

I don’t mean to sound silly, but can I go to NA Meetings if I’m an alcoholic as well as an addict? My primary doc was alcohol, but I took benzodiazepines and opiates as much as I could. I’m nervous as heck. My a&d counselor says I might like NA too.


Sure you can - and vice versa. There are people in my AA meetings who introduce themselves “Hi, I’m —-, and I’m an alcoholic and an addict. In AA, it is asked that the discussion focus primarily on struggles with alcohol, but inevitably drug use comes up too. I’m assuming it is the same way at NA. @Englishd? @Donnie_Spiering? Anything to add?


Thanks for the reply. I’m an addict all the way around. My counselor says I’d feel more at ease in NA. Walking out the door now. Peace☺


Good luck! Let us know how it goes

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It was awesome. I felt at ease there☺


Awesome! Strong work! Feeling at ease is huge at a meeting.

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Made me realize I definitely am an addict. I struggle with a few addictions. If I stop one I substitute for another. Addiction is addiction.

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Yep addiction switching happens more often than not. Well being from one will allow you to become well overall without engaging in a mind altering substance or experience

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Tonight was a real eye opener. The past 13 days have been. If im not ingesting substances I’m seeking other things I’m too ashamed to admit too. It’s time I come to terms with my bs🙄


I live in a sober living where is AA meetings all the time but all of us here are both alcoholics and drug addicts me myself is both I loved alcohol and meth but I ruined my life cuz of those two addictions but now back on track just work the AA steps and read the big book it works it really does gotta do that program of action


Ive known many to go to AA over NA with drug problems just because the meetings are alil more full or better. Same program…same concept. NA does uses different books for literature then AA. NA meetings are kind of new to many areas so the meetings can be a shyt show sometimes… Just pick a meeting you like and fit in . This will make it easier to come back.

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Everyone was nice, but there’s a few more different AA meetings I want to check out. I liked both. I figure why not try NA too. Alcohol was my poison, but when I wasn’t abusing it I was abusing ativan or oxycotin. I will admit I get more from AA, but it’s nice to have options🙂


I’ve only been to AA, but the meetings I’ve been to often include addicts. One last night involved someone who relapsed on drugs (but not alcohol) and picked up a new white chip to lots of applause and encouragement. Around here (but probably everywhere, tbh) there is so much concern about the opioid epidemic that there is a shit ton of encouragement and compassion for addicts of any kind at AA meetings. So glad you are finding options! :two_hearts:


Let’s be honest. We all do. Under the layers of our abusing our drug or behavior of choice, there are some deep voids that the addiction(s) masked. Coming to terms with that can be hard no doubt but try to not let that shame bind you.

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I have empathy for all addicts. We’re all in so much pain. I wish I could save all of us, but it’s an individual choice to want it. After my last relapse I just wanted to be left alone in my self loathing and pity. Finally, I reached out for myself. I don’t know what tomorrow may bring, but we all have today. We all have hope on our side.