My friend asked me this question

My friend asked me this question the other day and I didn’t have an answer for him. “Whoever created us why did they make life so boring that we feel the need to take drugs and alcohol to make it bearable?” My friend is still using drugs and I’m 14 months sober.


I wouldn’t say life is boring. Far from. Most humans are just too lazy to take advantage of what life has to offer and many have addictive personalities.


Whoever created us didn’t make life boring. There is a shit ton out there if you get off your ass and go look for it. Most ppl are just to afraid and become comfortable with drugs and alcohol and feel its the only way to feel alive. When In reality they just don’t love there selfs


That is a good answer


There is nothing interesting about drinking or a drunk person. It’s all smoke and mirrors compounded by advertising.


Humans created an artificial world and a society that promotes mental illnesses, anxiety, depression and such. Our current lifestyle is far from a natural one.


instead of posting a comment that could be triggering, you’re gonna have to hit me up for it hahaha


Absolutely love this. Couldn’t put it better !! :+1:


I’m gonna skip that.


When I was drinking, I needed peak experiences to stimulate me out of my alcoholic stupor. I was unable to appreciate the beauty and fulfillment that subtle experience holds for me today.

Humans are not designed to survive as sprinters. We evolved to chase prey by jogging over long distances continuously. Emotionally, there is an analogous development. Fight, freeze or flee reactions serve is in the moment of crisis, but what keeps us fulfilled is a good night’s sleep after a good day’s work.

And the other problem I had, of course, was that I only saw what I looked at. So drunk me would not look at the rich internal experience of the so called “squares”, and instead focused on the aggressive and sexual drama in the bar scene. And when I stopped drinking in bars, I lived in the fantasy of my head, where I imagined many peak experiences.

There is more beauty in a sunrise when I see it upon awakening early than when I saw it as I stumbled back home preparing excuses and dreading what awaited me there.


Have they ever watched kids? Not just kids playing, kids just being kids. Most kids have fun until life has taught them that there is something “better.”

That can come with a technology screen early on, or intoxicants later on. Kids, though, untouched by expectation and life’s difficulties, they live it up to the fullest. Have you ever seen the baby that laughs hysterically over ripped paper? Do you remember having a laughing fit just because SOMEONE ELSE is laughing? We weren’t built to be boring. We made that shit up ourselves.


Ah maybe its possible hes feeling the effects of nihilism and depression? (Trigger warning, talks of extreme depression)

The thought that everything is meaningless, no moral has any intrinsic value and is arbitrary. And that we’re just an insignificant spec floating in a unfathomably large overbearing and meaningless void. And that nothing is truthful, we just think we know things.

I used to think that we’re all just useless parasites abuseing the earth consuming everything to further our species, and that the only reason we chose to live is because we’re motivated by reward and pleasure. We work slaveing our lives away so our brain can convince us to go keep liveing by rewarding us with pleasure, so we continue to nourish ourselves. That we’re going to take over everything that exsists because we survive everything and continue to multiply and consume. The oceans, the forest, and everything lost due to our yearning to multiply and survive. What’s the point right? Why even try? Life is random and chaotic, filled with tragedy, despair, and horror.

However, with everything haveing no intrinsic value we get to choose our own path, our own values, its true freedom. We can look to art, philosophy, music, science, to give our life meaning. And most of all, we can learn to appreciate lifes tragedy through heroism. Without all the negative, we could never appreciate the positive, and theirfore, life would be truly meaningless. Every problem thats solved makes you a stronger, and more powerfull person. So use every hurdle in your way to get stronger, and jump higher, and never give up. Be a better person to the earth and those around you, and raise people up when theyre down. Tragedy is beautiful and heartbreaking, and accepting it as a necessity helps you appreciate life as a whole. The will to live and the will to power. Peace and love. I hope this helps.