My friend died today (update, one year later)

I am so sorry for your loss :disappointed: im sending my deepest condolences and prayers :pray:

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You already are worthy of surviving. As a matter of fact, so we’re your friends. Life is hard on everyone and even harder on some. You were dealt a hand that many other people couldn’t have survived. I’m so sorry that you’re hurting :broken_heart: and my heart is broken for you to have gone through all that you have and also having to deal with the loss of so many.

I’m sending you :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging: and lots of love :two_hearts:

Remember that you are worthy of love and life

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Oh no, I’m so sorry. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

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I send you my deep condolences :pray:

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I am really sorry to hear about your loss. I am wishing you, along with her family well, and though I’m not religious I will give a prayer.

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Sorry about your friend. The grief gets better with time

I’m sorry for your loss.
Please don’t let that guilt keep you from living. You are allowed to be grateful that you’re alive. These tragic deaths have nothing to do with you being still here. Sending you a friendly hug.

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I’m sorry for your loss

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Figured I’d post an update

Its been almost a year and today i finally told my therapist about her. Ill be 10 months sober Saturday, on Sunday itll be a full year since she passed. Coping is hard but im trying


I am so sorry for everything you’re going through.
Glad to hear you’ll be 10 months sober soon.
Sure your friend is very proud of you watching you from above.
Sending you love and strength :people_hugging::pray:


Thank you for the update. I’m glad you told your therapist about it. Dealing with all you’ve been through must be incredibly hard. Sending you peace and kindness, hugs and congrats on your sober time. keep going, one day at a time :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::pray::sunflower::four_leaf_clover:

How are you these days @Ridesende ? Thinking of you, And hope you’re doing alright :people_hugging::heart: