My friend died today (update, one year later)

Tw suicide and overdose

I had a friend who passed away today. She attempted suicide a few times, last Friday she overdosed on purpose and they took her off of life support today. Got a phone call about it at work and left early. Still in shock


I am so sorry for your loss. That is extremely tough. We are here for you


My condolences for your friend

I am so sorry for your loss.

Im sorry for you’re lose it sucks to lose friends and the ones you love. Sounds like they been struggling for awhile. All I think of my friends that have passed away from overdoses, suicide is that they are not in pain any longer. I heard an old timer say in a meeting this week talking about his daughter who passed away is that it was gods will and there’s nothing you can do about that there journey was complete and it was there time. I got a lil closure from that for myself because I struggled with what kind of plan is that kind of thing. “I hear that everyone decides what life they are going to live before they are born, And the strongest pick the most painful lives to live so others wouldn’t have to because they weren’t strong enough. That would make you’re friend very brave”. They still served a purpose in my eyes I hope this helps you somewhat hope you feel better.


Gonna give a bit more context. Its gonna get dark fast.

Tw for sex trafficking and abuse of children

I met this friend (ill call her S) when we were both trafficked as kids. There were 4 kids i remember well, myself included. S and i were the 2 that made it out alive. We got back inbtouch earlier this year, after 15 years no contract. I have bad survivors guilt and seeing that i wasnt the only survivor helped a lot. But i guess she couldnt handle the pain and trauma anymore. Now im yhe only one of the 4 of us still standing. I have to live a good life on behalf of all those who cant anymore


I am so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my sons uncle from an accidental od, at least we think they are still getting answers… I’m not sure if there was stuff they didn’t know about but he was only 28 and healthy and happy and an amazing person. My first big loss was also an od in 2019 my 22 year old cousin who was like my sister. She was doing hard drugs and had bad lungs so as shocking as it was, it kind of made sense, whereas my sons uncle just does not. Grief is really tough. (I like to have that validated) sending you lots of love and may your friend rest in peace.


I’m sorry for you’re experience @Butterflymoonwoman I’m sure would be helpful to talk to. Sounds like all of you are some of the bravest In my opinion. Be kind to yourself you to can be a beacon of hope for others with similar situations by staying alive. I wish you the best I hope you find some peace in you’re life.


:sob: first let me say, i am so sorry for your loss! I know the kind of connection you had with her. And also the survivors guilt you mentioned.

I was also a trafficked child (early teen) and there were other girls who came and went. I don’t know where any of the other girls ended up, but I often wonder/worry that they either are still in the situation or were killed or took their own lives to escape. It is such a hard thing to deal with.

I am so happy to know that you have gotten free and you are still here! You did not deserve what happened to you! None of us did! But please don’t feel guilty for making it through. I did for a long time…but I finally realized that I had no control over the situation, it was just chance that I made it. And I have tried to make the best of the life I have. That is my advice. Make the best of the future. Your past will always be a part of you, but it doesn’t have to define you.

Sending a big hug :people_hugging::people_hugging: and my condolences :broken_heart:
Please reach out when you are feeling weak/overwhelmed


I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. It sounds like a lot of very heavy stuff for you. You sound strong and determined and hopefully you have and continue to focus on your own mental health. I am glad you shared here, I hope we can be a safe space for you. :heart:


So sorry to hear this!! Its so sad :pensive: …i juss loss a friend also to a overdose about 2 mnths ago smh.
I’m sorry for ya loss!! Nobody deserves the pain and struggles that come with addiction!! Me personally i use experiences like this to help push thru it all…it’s a terrible thing to go thru and we all deserve better!! It’s a battle everyday for me also but i mean i truly believe we can accomplish anything we set our minds to!! Hope this helps u in some kinda way!!
Juss kno ill be here if u have any questions or anything!! Hope u have a good day!! Stay positive!!


Thinking of you this morning. I wish I could give you a hug and let you cry or scream or just sit with you and tell you that it’s going to be okay.
Not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day, it really will get better and you will find happiness :heartpulse:
Don’t give up

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I’m so sorry for the loss you are feeling. Honor your friends memory by living your best sober life, and carry your friend’s story forward.


I am so so sorry for your loss❤️

I’m so sorry. Is there anything you need?

So sorry for your loss, and the trauma it has made you revisit. Sending strength to get thru this tough time :purple_heart:


Honestly just some reassurance. I wish id noticed what she meant when she said things like “im so glad youve been a part of my life” and just so many things she said that clearly meant she was gonna die soon. I wish thag i reached out and said something so she wouldnt have donenthat to herelf. Im so mad at myself. Ive been suicidal plently, i thought i knew the signs. I shoulda known. I should’ve done more to help her. And im mad at her for doing it. Fuck we got out and she just threw her life away. Its a slap inbthe face to everyone who couldn’t. Im just a mess rn.

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Honestly we see those signs yet we don’t believe them when it comes to loved ones

As a first responder for many years I saw plenty of signs of the newly dead or soon to go

My grandmother who I was super close with exhibited all those signs the day before she died.

A few days later my mother and I were talking, and my mother a life long nurse said she was telling us all along we just didn’t see it cause it was our own.

I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, this is a dangerous game we play, and like most addicts I insisted it wouldn’t get me. Fortunately I got out before it was too late alot of my friends from childhood and even adulthood have not made it and it’s tragic


I survived my opiate overdose back in 2016. 2021 is the only year in the past 7 years no one i know died. I hate it. I feel so guilty for being here when they arent, i feel like i need to make something of myself, just to be worthy of surviving. Its messy. I wish emotions were sinpler than this


I am very sorry for your loss of your friend. :broken_heart:

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