My job makes me want to drink, triggers my depression and SI

My boss micromanages me for the entire day. I’m the most experienced person in my department so without making a lateral move into another position and putting my pay at risk, I can’t grow professionally because my employer doesn’t “do promotions.” So I’m stuck with a dead end job essentially until I can find a better position somewhere else. I do manufacturing shift work and the off shifts are poorly trained so I deal with a relentless wave of other workers mistakes. My boss is an extremely poor communicator and gives us the minimum amount of information to do our work, all other information is on a need to know basis only and asking for details is frowned upon because it takes time away from doing your job. I used to love training people, but hate it now because the boss won’t let me give new hires more than the minimum amount of information. And I have no one to vent to outside of my coworkers, my girlfriend hates listening to me vent. So these feelings just sit inside me and drive my depression, urges to get drunk and kill my self. I don’t even want to get up in the morning, but I need this job for at least another year. I just feel trapped.


I work in a place that sounds kinda similar. I leave that shit at work though. Alcohol is a depressant, so it’s gonna make you feel worse about everything. It’s gonna lead you to believe happy, sad, pissed or calm that you need a drink.

Try and shift thinking if you can. There are 8 billion people in this planet. How many of them would love to be in your spot? I don’t know if that line of thinking will help you but it sure as shit helps me.

You have a few days sober??? Do you know how many people wish they could even get a few days sober and clean??? Probably millions.

If you can find positive things in situations it’ll change the game for you. Have you seen a therapist? Hang out here my friend.


Currently in intensive outpatient therapy, three hours a day, four days a week. I try to keep positive, but some days like today the environment just feels straight disrespectful and I have a hard time ignoring it and letting all the dumb stuff I see everywhere just ignored and forced passed on to others.


I got caught up in mindset with work before. Then I realized a couple of things. If they don’t care why do I? When we have serious injury accidents or fatalities they’ll stop production for a day to investigate and then continue like the harmed person was never there (after they figure out a way to blame said person for the accident). I don’t matter to them. I DO however, matter to the people at home. It sounds like you’re starting a good path, stay on it and things will improve.

The biggest negative in your life right now is booze, so make sure you don’t consume it. It will literally make everything much worse than it needs to be. Control what you can and understand what you have zero control over.


I can very much relate. I have a super stressful job that is a big trigger… I agree with @Dan531 The company is doing to take care of them
So you take care of you… I know it’s easier said than done and I’m new with sobriety but I have noticed without the booze the problems at work that I would stress and drink over are not that serious when I’m putting myself first… Work is supposed to be a minimal thing that we do… We work to live not live to work… And in my experience people who have poor management skills are trying to get a reaction out of you don’t feed into it because that is what they want… You go to work make your money and go home to the people you care about… And dont let that bad day at work drive you to drink - you just let them win. We all deserve to be the best version of ourselves… I truly hope this helps and wishing you nothing but the best :pray:


I can relate I work in an extremely stressful job. The stress and negativity lately has taken a toll on my mental well being. I’ve had to adjust my attitude by trying to remember the positive of my position. I’m very well paid, I work from home and have excellent benefits. I agree with @Dan531 there are people that would love to have my job. I put in my time and I walk away from my desk and leave it behind.


Curious, why do you need THAT job for at least another year? How about getting another (better, healthier) job for the next year and then some.

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Oh god. This sounds so so awful. Move on. Find something else my friend. You deserve better. Fuck knows it’s scary to change but it’s time.

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I’ve worked at this company for a little over four years. Before that I was doing some job hopping in the midst of a career change. Right now I’m readying myself to apply for management positions elsewhere, but I don’t expect that to happen anytime soon because I’m just not ready yet. I’ve never had a management position, but I’m in charge of my department whenever my boss isn’t around or on vacation and all my coworkers say I would be a great manager. I’m trying to stay long enough at this company to kick some other jobs off my resume because most places I apply to don’t allow or accept applicants with gaps on their resumes. They also don’t like job hoppers.

I’ve worked at this company for a little over four years. Before that I was doing some job hopping in the midst of a career change. Right now I’m readying myself to apply for management positions elsewhere, but I don’t expect that to happen anytime soon because I’m just not ready yet. I’ve never had a management position, but I’m in charge of my department whenever my boss isn’t around or on vacation and all my coworkers say I would be a great manager. I’m trying to stay long enough at this company to kick some other jobs off my resume because most places I apply to don’t allow or accept applicants with gaps on their resumes. They also don’t like job hoppers.

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