My Journey Marijuana free

Hello everyone,

I’ve recently started my weed free journey (20+ days), I personally haven’t faced many withdrawal symptoms, but maybe it’s because I’m still on tabaco (A greater challenge for the near future). But today was an harsh day… I had some friends over, most still smoke weed daily and I let them smoke here, mostly because I feel like I should be able to resist the temptation and it’s a proof of my commitment. Everything went well I haven’t smoked or anything but when they left I had one of the worst moments of my journey, I had my first real urge to smoke again. I have confidence that I’m not going to give in , but what I’m afraid the most it’s to replace one addition with another, like alcohol. I have some friends that went down that road , any advice or stories you would like to share ?



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I’ve found marijuana very hard to quit
My streak right now is 3 days
I tried to quit countless times
My longest streak was 5 months

Stay strong


I have a dear friend who had two months weed free and puffed just once. She’s beating herself up. I tried to tell her to forgive herself. Recovery is not a linear path. In any case she attends Marijuana Anonymous virtually and thinks it’s a good program. I did not have any noticeable withdrawal symptoms when I gave up weed after 50 plus years of daily use. My dreams were and still are more vivid. My overall health is much improved. Cravings can be a part of recovery. Call someone beforeyou pick up not after. Stay strong :muscle: you got this.


You have chosen the correct path. If these so called friends do not respect it you should send them to the samw place you sent marijuana. You are capable of far more than being a pothead.

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I found i got a craving after being around other people smoking too - i guess you get a little dose from second hand smoke, just enough to trigger the craving??
I found Allen Carrs book The Easy Way so helpful when i quit the cigs - definitely worth a look if you can get hold of a copy


Being aound weed smokers 20 days after quitting, you definitely like having a risky life !
I quit years ago, and for a long time (a few years) the only smell of weed would blew my mind and made me a slave again.
I still love the smell of it.


Congratulations on your sober days so far! I totally understand the idea of wanting to have your commitment be stronger than your triggers. For me, I had to primarily stay away from alcohol and weed when I quit each one for quite a long time. My resolve alone wasn’t enough to overcome my patterns. I had to have a sober network of people to help me, I had to reprogram myself as a non-user and change everything in my life. I love my people, but I also had to do what it took to become sober me and that included creating distance from my old lifestyle. My recovery program, my sober network, my sponsor and the step work has helped me stay sober. Wishing you well on your journey my friend! :heart:

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Congratulations on your journey! And thanks for the kind words

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