My last attempt to stay sober

Hang in there! You are absolutely not alone!
Re: im just scared to be around people sober - I felt the same way, as probably many/most of us did or still do (if not sober yet)…that was one of my fears of getting sober to be honest - ‘what will it be like when I’m around other people’? I would travel a lot for work and kept thinking ‘how can I meet strangers in work meetings sober, how can I fly sober, etc. etc.’.
I’m now 1yr 4mos sober - and it has dramatically changed me life - I really can’t put it into words but I will tell you this - clarity. The most amazing thing for me was when the fog lifted and I actually had true clarity. It started to happen after day 5 or 6 but didn’t really happen until after day 30. True clarity of mind and soul - you can face anything after that, and it just gets better. Try not to ‘what if’ things about being sober - like I did, and you might be doing now (i.e. being around people sober); I even thought “how would fishing be fun if I wasn’t drinking/drunk?”…I’ve done all of those things and many many more sober and it is SO much better, and bonus, you remember it all afterwards.
Don’t give up - stay on things like this forum to vent, ask advice, share good news etc. - each day is better than the previous.


I can hear a lot of ambiguities in your post. I feel you are holding on to more hope than you may realize. You aren’t alone. We are here and i am certain that there are agencies or organizations in your community that could provide you with a (in person) support system. This can be the last time you quit if you battle like a warrior. I believe in you and i am positive i am not alone in that…keep your head up and remember. The fight can be broken down to minutes if days feel too big. Please, continue to reach out. Keep talking we will keep listening :100::heart:


I wonder why you are lonely. Do you feel ashamed of having drank too much? Is there a fear of rejection in general? Have you been away so long that you fear coming off as odd?

Social anxiety is really normal. From an evolutionary standpoint, we are tribal animals, and rejection can mean death. It’s well known that severely isolated people start to go mad and decompensate quickly. The pressure on wanting to make good social impressions is understandable.

Sometimes our DNA hasn’t quite caught up with the times… You can be alone and perfectly fine, in practical terms. In other words, our emotions are helpful but can exaggerate things.

I’m haunted by anxiety… Any stray word from my boss gets repeated over and over in my head. I imagine the consequences. I imagine how I’ll handle being reprimanded, what I’ll say. Spoiler: it never is as bad as it seems. But my brain thinks of my job as life or death survival.


Really glad you’re here and you’re safe… I’m new to the forum too, only a few days in and already I’ve noticed the strong support network here… There’s a wealth of experience too, and when I say that, I’m talking about everyone on here, whether people are in their first couple of hours or they’ve been sober for years, we can identify with different people and ultimately support each other… We’re definitely stronger together… Take care
Peace, love and positive vibes always :raised_hands::sparkles::sparkling_heart:


@DJUK how are you today? I just wanted to check in with you! Sending you healing vibes.


I hear you. I can relate. You can do this! Please check-in here for support. There were days when I literally had to go by the minutes to make it through. I believe in you, you are not alone. There’s hope and inspiration here. This community has given that back to me. It’s for you also. Stay strong…we’re here for you!