My last attempt to stay sober

Ive tried and failed so often. My liver simply cant take another failure, plus my depression cant handle the drama that drinking inevitably causes. Im lonely and alone, i tell myself its by choice but really im just scared to be around people sober. Ive forgot, if i ever knew, how to be with people. Im frightened and alone


You’re never alone on here my friend!! I’ve failed miserably at sobriety lately, but it’s all about getting up again (I guess!). We’re all in the same boat here for one reason of another. If you ever want to chat about anything, feel free to reach


Welcome to the forum. I hope it is helpful in your journey. It can be hard, but it is worth it.


Thankyou, that genuinely means a lot to me. Thankyou so much

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You’re are alone I your feelings, do please keep trying and coming on here. I mostly lurk but just reading the forums does help.


Thankyou. I need all help i can get, appreciate the reply, genuinely.

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Hi, welcome! This place is an amazing place with people who understand how you feel. Look forward to seeing you around :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thankyou. I honestly didn’t thi k my post would be noticed, but it has, im grateful for the kind words and support. Never had it before, makes me hopeful.


This community has been helping me through my feelings of isolation. I hope it can help you too!
You can do this


Welcome to the forum! :sunflower:
Alcohol is often misused as social lubricant, sounds like you also used it to help socializing. You are not alone and you are ok as you are. Sober you will learn to be around people, be kind to yourself and give yourself time.
Have a good read around and stuff your sober toolbox with all the different tools you find to help you cope with life. You can use the searchbar for keywords like meditation, hobby, sport, tools for recovery etc.
Again a warm welcome :four_leaf_clover:

Oh, if you want, check out the daily check in thread and the gratitude thread.


Thankyou so much. Seriously, thankyou. 3 people have supported me within 10 minutes, more support than ive had before.


Im having difficulty navigating properly, but ill get it eventually. Thankyou so much.


click your way through the forum categories and threads, use the searchbar, contribute to existing threads, keep us posted here on your thread. you will find out how to navigate quickly :blush:
here’s the link to a list of resoueces for recovery


Welcome :hugs: believe in yourself


I will do. Thanks so much. Im not too good at tech, its pretty much youtube, spotify and twitter, or ‘X’ now i guess, anything beyond that is new to me. Ill work it out tho, the goal is too important to me not to try and suss it out, thanks again


Hi and welcome you will find all the advice from the kind people on this forum and the great thing is its worldwide so any time of day if your struggling jump on and get support your never truly alone with this community good luck you got this ADAAT :+1:


Wow. I didnt expect so much support so quickly. Genuinely suprised, and feeling a little more hopeful i can get this demon off my back once and for all. Thankyou. :pray:


Now you know the support is out there the ball is in your court. Next time you want to pick up a drink pick up your phone instead. Sobriety isn’t easy but it is simple - Don’t pick up a drink do ask for help.


Welcome. I was where you are a month ago. Tried and failed, this is my first time trying and using this community and its going better than ever before.
To begin with I had to miss a couple end of year/xmas parties as i knew the drinking would be too much, and I’ve had to jump on here to read a bunch when I had bad cravings. For the most part the last couple weeks have been a lot easier than the first couple.
Hang in there, don’t give in and have that first drink. Check in. Slowly as the fog clears your frame of mind will improve


then you use 2 more than I :blush: Never used spotify or twitter, youtube only for funny cat videos and hours of seasound on an empty beach every now and then :wink:

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