My last day 1

I surrender!!! :two_hearts: Today I start my AF life I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I need connection, I’ve tried going it alone it never works! So hi peeps!


Welcome to the community. Plenty of very friendly, knowledgeable and helpful people here so look around, ask questions and enjoy your time here.


Welcome SAFFY !

One day at a time, you can do it, things will get better day by day. Drink plenty of water and take enough rest…
Here we all have same problem of withdrawal, but this will not stay longer.

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Thank you so much x

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I’m excited for you! You’re onto something BIG! Hang in there. ODAAT


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Thanks you :grin:

Welcome and congrats for the decision. A new life starts, one day at a time!

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I created an account, thanks to you. Day 1, let’s go!


Thank you so much means a lot

Thank you so much means a lot to me

Welcome SAFFY62, good to have you here.
Read around, interact when you are ready- that’s been a gamechanger for me.
Don’t know if you’ve seen this thread, but I think it’s a great starter: What's YOUR plan?
Keep chosing you. Looking forward to seeing you around :orange_heart:


Good for you :smiling_face:
It’s time to start choosing you :green_heart:
I find this online community so helpful personally.
I still live with a heavy drinker, but every day that I check in with this app, it makes it easier and easier on me to not feel so alone on my sobriety journey.


@justdoit1 Welcome to you both. Day 1 is the start of a fabulous journey to stay sober. A day without alcohol is priceless.


Welcome here @SAFFY62 and @justdoit1 :facepunch:
The both of you have made a great decision.

Hi @SAFFY62, just wanted to wish you a good morning and a good day!


Thank you hope your doing well x

Glad you’re here. Welcome! :hugs:

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Hi there! I finally quit with help of this app. I was skeptical but here I am. Sober 2 years as of August 1st, and I truly owe to this timer and the support from reading everyones story. I was on a 6 year run. You can do this. Just remember 1 day, then the 2nd day, 3rd day, …protect your soberness at ALL cost


Congratulations to this serious amount of time sober! :confetti_ball:

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