My life is about to get better... my story :)

Butterfly, what a story. Very brave & resilient. You make me feel humble.

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Please thank your HP for me (I thanked mine but just in case they might be different because people believe different on some things, even though I think it’s the same source that’s listening somehow 🤷)… Before you showed up I was trapped in my own mental prison… My daughter dreamed of a “beautiful fairy lady with wing’s” (that’s what she called her) back when I was using Meth and said that she came and took me up to the sky and made me better and brought me back to her… I made a post about it somewhere on here about what made me want to start my recovery when I first joined… I think it was YOU that she dreamed of… A Butterfly Moon Woman… :100: Not trying to freak you out but that’s who you are to me anyways… I just wanted you to know that and to say Thank You so much!!! I’m so GLAD you are here!!! :blush:


Wow… I feel truly blessed. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post :heart: That truly means alot to me. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond back to you.

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You’re welcome… It’s cool, I was piled up somewhere in some laundry anyways most likely LOL… Have a great day @Butterflymoonwoman:slightly_smiling_face:

I apologize for taking so long getting this topic written up. Had abit of a fall recently but I’m back at it. Will get it done soon :slight_smile: also, what should I title it?

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No worries. Take your time.

For a title, my thought would be something like this:

Prostitution is not glamorous


Memoirs of a human trafficking survivor


Love it! I’ll use one of those :slight_smile: thank you!


I posted it up on the forum :slight_smile: I actually write down what I said at john school. Hope it helps :slight_smile:


So glad you found a way out of that life you are worth so much more than that remember this . Keep on the right path. Here if you need a chat

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Congrats on turning your life around. That story would break most people, but you sound very strong. I hope nothing but the best for you. Keep moving forward and your head up!


Awe thank you :slight_smile: I’m not where I want to be in recovery and in life but I’m no where near where I used to be :slight_smile: it’s progress not perfection for sure! Thank you for your kind words. That means alot :smiley:


That’s all that counts. We all have a past, and battle the demons that come with it. Moving forward is the key! Even if we slip, you just have to pick yourself up, brush it off and keep heading in the direction that you want to go. :grinning:


Hi Dana,

I have read over your story twice, firstly to read the content and then again to fully comprehend it.

You have really had a tough life and I tip my hat to you for being as positive as you are. Many would have given up and resigned themselves to a life of addiction and abuse, yet you chose to get away from essentially everything you had known for years.

Your story is one filled with sadness but also signs of hope throughout. Your young journey into sexual exploitation is heartbreaking, yet you tried to escape. Your tough forage through your young adult years spending it in the sex trade which no doubt was the result of the systematic abuse you suffered as a young girl must have been horrifying, not k owing who, what or when something was going to happen at the hands of a client, who feels that because you felt compelled to do what you needed to do to survive and feed your addictions that it was ok for them to abuse you.
Again you sought a way out and no doubt felt you had done it when you met your abusive partner. Who I am probably willing to bet wasn’t like he was at the beginning but then thought he could treat you like dirt and abuse you in the worst possible way, yet once again you found the strength to move on, break away and take control of your life.

You truly are an inspiration to others in the same boat or those going through similar experiences! You are a strong independent woman who has battled through things that most can’t comprehend and you have still managed to keep your head held high.

My heart goes out to you for what you have experienced. I’m always here if you ever need support, like everyone else!

Take care, stay safe and keep being inspirational!



I read your story I’m sorry you had to go through that. I hope you can stay sober. And I wish you luck.


Thank you! And I absolutely will stay clean! I’m doing this 1 day at a time like everyone on here :smiley: Hitting 1 week tonight!! Hope ur doing well also!


I’m doing good I finally got a sponsor and it’s kinda weird talking to someone I don’t know but I’m doing it we went to a coffee shop and talked about staying sober.

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That’s awesome! Sounds like great positive connections have been made :slight_smile:

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I’m trying to figure life out without drugs and it’s different, but I like it so far.

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Proud to know you, new friend. Welcome!! :bouquet:

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Awe Tanya!!! Hugs girl :hibiscus: Thank you!!! Made me smile! How are you doing?

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