My life with mental illness. Tw lots of anxiety

I just had a crazy anxiety to the point of having my wife bring me some meds at work

This is the first time it happened
Its the fact that its easter, and im at work with all the thoughts that come with it

I bought potato salad
A pepsi
And sat down for lunch and bam went crazy for a sec

I have schizophrenia and everything that comes with it
J havnt had symtoms of schizophrenia for a while but i have crazy mind made anxiety

I was offered to go home but i said i wanted to stay at work and just take my meds

Mental illness sucks but it a real thing. Its physical

I believe all the pot i smoked my whole life triggered it. My brain fires off chemicals unbalanced because of long term heavy pot use

I came inches away from asking someone for a cigg be4 i asked my wife to meet me with my meds

A little freakout but im better

Back to work for me


Anxiety sucks. It loves to throw monkey wrenches into my life too. Glad you were able to come up with some things to get you through this one. It helps when you’re able to tell people what’s going on. Keep up the good work.


Well done for staying sober from smokes man, you can chalk up this happening to another win. If it ever happens again you can remind yourself that you can take your meds and deal with it. Getting stronger one battle at a time

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I believe all the pot i smoked my whole life triggered it. My brain fires off chemicals unbalanced because of long term heavy pot use

I feel you homie, weed has some of the longest withdrawals compared to other drugs because it gets metabolized through your body’s fat unlike water-soluable drugs from my understanding (I’m not a doctor so I could be wrong on this btw). You will get through this though, I know you will. Stay strong homie!!! :muscle:

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I thought about the weed withdraw and the cigarette withdraw too

Its called paws i believe
Clould have quite possibly played a part

I feel better now thank god

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Proud of you taking the steps to get your medication :people_hugging:
I hope your feeling alot better now - it’s difficult when our minds and mental health tries to pop up and it is out of our control.
Remember if you need to go home and rest that is okay :people_hugging: big healing hugs.


Glad to hear you’re better! I deal with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized axiety disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder and adhd. I’m currently doing some trial and error with my psych doctor. When I went to treatment back in December they slammed me with so many meds,my doctor says I’m on too many that all of them can’t be working, I won’t feel any different, so we’re taking meds here and there off to see what’s best for me. Anywho, I know I’m just rambling away, glad you’re feeling better. I’m always here if you need me, I totally understand what you’re experiencing. :people_hugging::muscle:t4:


I feel you homie, I have all those mental health issues you listed diagnosed as well except for the depression one. I also have diagnosed autism. Mental health recovery is a long road, it took me many years as a kid to get my mental health under control, but it’s 1000% worth it. Thankfully my parents recognized my bad mental health very early on in childhood so I already got my medications and therapy sorted out. Don’t give up, you got this!!!

You will likely need to try a million different medications before you find the ones that work for you, but you WILL find the right ones. I remember I was tried on sooo many different medications as a kid until I found ones that didn’t give me too much side effects while benefitting me. For me, it’s 12mg Abilify at night and 30mg Vyvanse in the morning, and 10mg Vyvanse in the afternoon.

Feel free to reach out to me whenever you need, I’ve grown up with the mental health struggles I know what it’s like, but once you make it to the other side it is so much brighter. You got this!!! :smiley:


I made it through the workday 100% sober and no ciggs

Just 4min left and i get to start my easter with my family

Wow anxiety can really suck

Its like my head forced my gut upsidown

I use nic loszenges for cigg cravings and it was like they werent doing anything

I got dizzy even. Whenever i have mental health issues i get dizzy. I always thought thats because my meds are activily fighting my mental health

I took my meds and felt better even though i still hated being at work today

More later
Thanks everyone