My name is Kyle and I am definitely an alcoholic

Hello all!! As the title states my name is Kyle and I have been an alcoholic for 6 years. On nights that I worked I would typically do 3-4 vodka cranberries and 2-3 shots of rumplemintz. During the summer this was six times a week and offseason about 5 nights a week. When not working, I typically down either 8-10 or more beers or 1-2 bottles of wine. For the better part of six years I have drank every single night. When I was 20 years old, I got pulled over for driving drunk underage with beer in the cup holder. I lost my license for a year, did 50 hours of community service and paid $500+ in fines and court fees. I swore I would never do it again and for awhile I didn’t drive. But like most, I became complacent and comfortable and began to drive again after drinking. This leads me to this previous Monday night. I was pulled over again, this time with a much higher BAC and with it being my second dui. I’m facing an immense legal challenge and uphill climb in my life but here is where the good news starts. After my DUI Monday, I swore to never drink again. I haven’t had a drink since then, which makes just over four days and is the longest period of time I’ve gone without drinking since I was 18. This post is coming at 4AM because my insomnia is incredible right now. I’ve hardly been able to eat, I’ve been dealing with insomnia, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and anxiety. But no matter how bad these symptoms may be, I refuse to take a sip of alcohol. I am done. I want my life back and I’ll stop at nothing to take it back. Thank you for this forum and thank you for giving me a space to vent. Any and all who read or comment are appreciate, I’m excited to begin this journey.


Hi Kyle and welcome :raising_hand_woman:
If Kyle Titsch is your real name then be aware that this forum can be read by everyone. So if someone Googles on your name also this message here on TS will pop up. Did you thought about that?
If you want to change that just send our moderators a message by sending them a pm and add @moderators in the “adress” and ask them to change your profile name.

Welcome here at this forum though, glad you found us! Glad you are not drinking anymore. Do you have a support system like AA ore such?


Hi Kyle,

Welcome to TS. I am very glad you are here, although sorry about the circumstances that have brought you to us. It is brilliant to hear you say you will stop at nothing to take back your life. Try a meeting? Read around and share where you are comfortable and join us putting your head on the pillow sober tonight.


I have a very supportive family and supportive friends. I have not attended AA yet and I’m honestly not sure if I will. I know that I should but with no license and already relying on rides to and from work, I hate being a further burden to the people around me.

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I do not know where you live. But in most countries when you have multiple DUI it helps to get into a program to show the judge you are willing to change. It maybe can lower the sentence.


Good news is that you can do them online. has meetings for ALL sorts every 2 hours. I started there and then moved over to finding in person meetings.

I am chuckling quietly to myself because that is exactly what I said. I am willing to do anything to be sober… meetings? Oh no I am not willing to do that. I failed over and over until I finally accepted that I needed to be willing to do the ANYTHING I kept talking about. I started going to online meetings and just listening. Every time I went I got more and more out of what everyone was saying and I could feel myself changing. The fellowship fills the void that alcohol leaves behind like nothing else I have ever tried. I hope you make it Kyle. Sending you good vibes x