My relationship please help

Okay so I’ve been with this guy for almost 2 years we both used, but I went to rehab he went to a detox. I as away a week longer than him. When he got out he had my phone and he acted like me on fb and sent out my nudes to my guy friends and made me look like a who’re… He said he did it because I cheated one time in the start of our relationship . should I leave him I can’t seem to get my trust back. Help.

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Yes young lady I think you should wash that man rite out of it life he doesn’t sound very trustworthy and for me I need trust in relationships like my home group,my sponsor,n my HPower who speaks thru my heart so I think u should listen to your Heart

I think you should listen through a restraining order- guy sounds like a tool.

Please, move on and don’t ever look back.

There is no rationalizing that kind of thing. It’s just plain wrong. Anyone who cares about you, would not do something like that.

I would never be able to stay in a relationship were I couldn’t trust my partner.

RUN! This is not someone who is going to help your journey. Anyone that hateful and vindicate will only drag you down. No one deserves to be treated like that.

LEAVE, run, there is nothing to salvage here. People like that never change.


SERIOUSLY!!! Please get away from him ASAP, he sounds awful!! Any man that truly loved you or cares about you would NEVER EVER HURT YOU OR ABUSE YOU LIKE THAT! Trust me coming form years and years of harsh emotional abuse please be the independent, strong woman I know you are (because you made a choice to ask for help) and cut him out of your life FOR EVER. Block his number his FB his social media and get away from him. No decent person would ever do something so malicious and demeaning please make the decision for yourself alone to not ever let a man treat you like that. I dont care what mistakes you have made in your past. Please get away mama. Do it for yourself and for your recovery…

I can’t help but wonder if he was jealous or worried about the fact that you did rehab while he only did detox. Perhaps he feels that you will think you are better than him so he got some sort of “revenge in advance”. If that is the case he is clearly no “partner”. RUN.

Definitely leave his butt… that’s a terrible thing to do to someone you say you love. What’s the difference between rehab and detox?