My second day

It’s my second day. My partner isn’t speaking to me still. My anxiety is worse than yesterday.
I’ve told one of my oldest friends that I’m quitting alcohol and why. She’s really supportive which is nice. But what I really want is a big cuddle. I’m so emotional :frowning:


You are in the right place! I’m on day 4 and couldn’t have gotten this far without the people on this forum. Read their stories often and write as much as you want. Be strong and stay with it and together we can beat this!!


Thankyou :slight_smile: I need you guys

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Sending you big big hugs, this is hard enough without your partner ignoring you. Xx


Let the emotions flow. You’re taking a big step in the right direction. You got this.

Thankyou so much. Just knowing someone is there is making it easier

Stick with it! The first few days are physically and emotionally challenging - but if you can do 1 day you can do MANY more. Wishing you success!

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Hey and welcome, I was in a similar position to you, no one was speaking to me, I had done unspeakable things.

It’s important to remember right now that your actions speak louder than words and this is what will make the biggest difference in repairing things with your partner, when you’ve made progress and positive changes then a meaningful apology is much more appreciated and more likely to be accepted so give them the space they need for now. It’s time to get planning what positive changes you need to make as nothing changes if nothing changes which is a saying in recovery.

One of the best pieces of knowledge I have learned is that if you avoid the first drink you stay sober and cannot get drunk. It’s important to focus on positive words like sober rather than drunk, think sober, tell your self you want to be sober when the urge comes rather than I don’t want to drink, you can train yourself on these positive thought processes which make a big difference.

Dig deep and hang in there, if you need help reach out here or find a real life support group, set new goals and get to work and hang in there when the going gets tough because sobriety is so worth it.

Good luck, stay strong and stay sober.

Thankyou, that’s really helpful. I’m not going to drink again because I can’t feel like this again and it’s worse because I know I’ve done it to myself.

Be prepared to feel raw as fuck for the first couple days and weeks. It gets better with some time but I was a sensitive prickly pear for months and months after getting sober. Nothing quite like a random cry while driving down the street.

In my sobriety I’ve learned that I had to be my own best friend and biggest supporter. People, places and things are always gonna let you down when it comes to your expectations.

The only thing you can control is your feelings and whether or not you pick up to run and hide from them. Emotions happen, there is no control over them, anything can spark intense emotion. But you absolutely have control over how they make you feel. I’d not be where I am today if I hadn’t taken all those wrong turns and stepped on all those land mines I laid out for myself so I am truly grateful to be a recovering alcoholic and asshole. Turn every negative into a positive and you’ll never lose.