My Sober Time

Sober for 10 days :slight_smile:


Welcome! Great work…congratulations! :partying_face: you are doing brilliantly. What has been the best thing you have noticed in the 10 days? :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Welcome to this site, congratulations on your 10 days. You will find everyone on here so understanding and kind. I dont post a lot to be fair but when I do it makes me feel much better, so I hope you will stay strong and keep going :+1::+1:

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Awesome job girl! What made you quit?

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Way to go Elizabeth :clap: Those are the hardest. Glad your here

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I feel strong and worth living :slight_smile:

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Rock bottom made me quit.

Thank you!!!

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Congratulations! I’m on 10 days too!! Well done, its a good achievement!

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Congratulations to you!!! That is awesome!

Welcome! And congrats!!!

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This is great! One day at a time, together, we can do this :+1::two_hearts:

Congratulations!!! :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::tada:

10 days in, I was still in denial, even though I I bottomed out, and was dead the day prior. I still believed I did not have a problem

The progress is amazing