My sober truth

Today I am one month and 11 days sober. Last year in January 2023 I was in the hospital for alcoholism and was in there for about 3 weeks. My family was told I wouldn’t have survived had I not been rushed to the hospital. I was living on 9% of my pancreas and no gall bladder, low blood pressure and low oxygen levels. I thought that would have changed my lifestyle no it didn’t I stood so we about a week out the hospital went right back to the bottle. Drinking daily. I tried to pace myself or “quit” drinking for my family,for my kids, for a new career path, so many reasons even for God, but not ever for myself. Fast forward to August 2023, my oldest brother was shot on the highway and it was all over the news. Talk about hitting the bottle harder. I just wanted the pain to go away. Tried to pace myself after numerous visits to the hospital finally slowed down the drinking to a few drinks a day instead of bottles. Push to November last year 2023. I was in a horrible car accident and died twice *coded on the way to the hospital. God is real in so many ways I had an outter body experience and when I say it was a wild ride in the afterlife and being here to speak about it amazes me every day. Sadly not even that helped me I still drank at a pace , than I started taking medicine the DR prescribed to help me with alcoholism from gabapentin to bupropion to nexatrone. I feel like they made me crazy and at times like I was drunk without the alcohol. I decided on June 4th this year that if I really wanted to quit drinking I had to do it for myself to be a better version of myself for myself so that I could be better to those around me. To some my sobriety time may not mean much but for me this go round is truly my real journey to sobriety. Some days are harder than others but with support and staying active and learn to forgive myself everyday for the turbulence I added to my own life as well as others is such a euphoric feeling. I thank God every day for being so forgiving and kind to me. I hope everyone who has battled any form of addiction knows that there is an end to the vicious cycle. There is a light on the other side of darkness.


Welcome to TS! Looking forward to having you here :blush: and congratulations on a month and 11 days! You’re doing great!


What a story, glad you made it out alive! :pray:
So yes to second chances :facepunch:

Welcome here!!


High levels of drama are a terrific distraction from dealing with our alcoholic. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.

I had an out of body experience also, and it turns out to be a cornerstone of my sobriety. The message I got then was that I would be able to stop drinking and that everything is gonna be alright. But that sense of being okay came on slowly until it is now in my cells today.

I hope your spiritual experience can help carry your sobriety forward day by day. I wish you a slow recovery. Welcome to Talking Sober!