My Spiritual Sobriety Journey

If being in bed in your sweatpants is what you need for a while, then you are exactly where you need to be :raised_hands:t2: I hope Day 4 has been kind to you.

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Yes, it was exactly what I needed. Hit showers, naps, and lots of sweets, lol. Thank you amigo.

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Donna, Theres tons of meetings, some are good, some bad. LA/OC has all kinds. I need to find one i like.

I’m doing better today. I was on shift yesterday and it was hell. I felt that everyone was talking about me behind my back and pulling strange faces etc. I genuinely believe they were, because I hear them do it to other people, so why not me too, it was only my 2nd shift back with the company. But this is what I mean about my Higher Power communicating with me, on my first shift when I was struggling and thinking if taking the job on again was a mistake…when I got home and checked my phone, I had an a
Email saying I’d got an interview for a job I really like the sound of, I’d assumed I hadn’t passed the sifting because the deadline was a while back now…but it’s almost as if to say, ‘heres another option, check it out’, and I find that so powerful and it gives me hope.


Hey, today has been good to me thank you, I had one of the most powerful spiritual moments today, it happened so fast but it just felt like someone or something was saying, ‘you’re doing okay, keep going, but slow down!’ I had the best coffee and cupcake as well, and I’m supposed to be on a diet! I hope your day was nice to you?

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Hi there, I love these small spiritual moments, as you’re saying! Someone else here put it nicely, how the world will start to glow and become meaningful and feel more spiritual on its own the further you get in sobriety and that is my experience aswell. Currently in my city ppl have started illuminating their windows with myriads of Christmas lights and it’s wonderful to walk the dog at night! Those moments that tell you you’re doing well, keep going, are like a pat on the back for me. :slight_smile:
And don’t stress about a diet in early sobriety. Eat your sugars and enjoy them. You can get fit once you’ve got a hang in sobriety, in my opinion! :wink: best wishes


Welcome to the forum😃 nice post!

Hey man, how are you doing these days?

I’m on day two and really feeling what you’re saying man. (My body is still so whacked out, can’t seem to maintain any body temperature or think too hard or for too long,) but I think the worst of it is over with, we can only feel better from here right? And I’m definitely feeling in touch with an idea that’s greater than me and that I owe it to the world to do this.
Keep at it, man. We got this.

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If you’re close to OC, check out the Newport club in Newport. Pretty decent meetings there. Lots of fun people to get to know.

Oh cool okay, I will check that out thank you.

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@CATMANCAM- I love how you wrote your post – it has a lot of resonance for me. I like the idea of a new chapter and stepping into sobriety. I’m looking forward to being on this path with you. I have three years sober in a couple of days.You’re going to love your new life! :purple_heart::pray::sun_with_face:

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