My story and how I came to be here

Thought about how to put this all down so it makes sense. So if it seems disjointed sorry. I am 50 next year and married to a wonderful guy who’ve I been with for ten years. And we celebrate our wedding anniversary of six years on the 1st June.

16 years ago I had a life changing accident. A motorbike accident where I nearly lost my leg. I ended up with an open fracture of my femur and a fractured pelvis and head injuries.

11 years ago I lived with a violent alcoholic and I was t-total. Had to be able to drive. I had two small children.

Three years ago my only younger sister took her own life on the main line and I had parents in their seventies to support who will never get over it.

I now live with my wonderful hubby who supports me through my drunken binges.

At first I started off like most having the odd drink. Then it was drinking at home every night and one glass led to the bottle.
I cut back. Even went to non alcoholic which gave me a cracking headache and slowly slipped back into just drinking at weekends but drinking far too much. Never got violent or aggressive but not the person I wanted to be.

What made me make the decision this time? Went out drinking with hubby. Danced with a stranger. Hubby got upset and I thought that’s it. It has to stop. So here I am. My husband is my world and I would do anything to keep things right with us. He would never leave me. Even making excuses for me like oh it’s anniversary of sisters death etc. Birthday of sister. You know the things.

So here I am. Two days clean and working on my third x


Thanks for Sharing. sounds like you have had a bit of a rough time.
Life begins at 50 as they say. I just had to have another year before I decided to make the changes.


Good luck with your recovery… sounds like you have a great husband and he’s supporting you … keep reaching out … life is definitely better be ing soba x