My story , I feel better than ever!

I’ve struggled with addiction for 3 years straight , I am now 76 days clean and I feel better than everrrrr! One day at a time one step at a time …


Sounds faboulous. So it’s true . It Can happen :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: lots of complimenti! Great Hero :sweat_smile:

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76 days clean is EPIC! Well done and here’s to the next 24 hours :raised_hands:

Congrats @MyFour thats awesome .keep staying positive and focused. Embrase your choice

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And I ammmmmmm nowwwwwww like 120 daysssssss … It is possibleeeeee


@myfour Congrats! The days add up fast huh? :slight_smile:

Congratulation to you @MyFour 76 days that is awesome . Stay on this path , positive mind and good actions

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201 days clean now


I’m at 21! Great job!

Keep going and never give… Day by day you got this

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Great stuff! Keep it up!

Congrats. Feels good to stay strong. Im on day 36 here. Never thought id make it after many failed attempts. Im losing weight, making an effort with my appearance and getting more stuff done instead of sitting around feeling like shit. It hasnt been all easy, ive had to realize i dont self medicate so now so have to deal with stuff instead of ignoring things and just floating along in life. Im so much more self assured and confident. Who knew all the good stuff that comes along with being sober!


well done Mich81, I am new here tnite and 6 days binge free from junk food…iv terrible urges all night to binge on toast, will put my head down to sleep cause iv being binge eating like mad since I gave alcohol up 14 months ago…pray for me