Hey everyone my name is Tyler otherwise known as Buddah, i wanted to get on here and tell my story considering i haven’t done that at any meetings or even in rehab. I guess ill start with my childhood i grew up poor, my dad worked his ass off but was not a nice guy but i believe it all stemed from him stopping his drinking and my mom continuing to drink and drug. She would go to bars and if he didn’t let her go she would hit herself and call the police and have my dad put in jail, I’d end up with mom at the bar up the street where she would do more than just drink. I grew up seeing this at a very young age and it looked fun so i started smoking cigarettes at 7 or 8, I was a full blown pot head by 10 and by 13 i was popping old Vicodin 10’s and Norco 10’s. It got bad by the time i hit 17 i met a girl that introduced me to heroin. I snorted my first little bump and felt like i took about 15 pills but it all hit me right away and it was cheaper then my pill habit so i was hooked, Not only to the drugs but the girl to and ohhh boy did tht screw me but i cant blame nobody but me for the things that transpired over them next 4 years. We was stranded in Florida for a few days and we are from Detroit. We owned our own trailer yet had to sell it cause we was evicted out the trailer park. It was in then we was able to get a 4 bedroom house we also lost due to our drug habit. I ended up overdosing 3 times and almost didn’t wake up from 2 of them. I thought to myself I must have a purpose, it wasn’t until we walked out the hospital and she offered me more dope the same shit that just killed me, After that my eyes were open i seen she was sleeping around to feed the habit she didn’t care about me. I decided the drugs was worth the heart ache and stuck around as long as i could but it killed me to see her do that to get us and herself drugs so we broke up. I used on my own with the exception of the two other times i tried to get clean and succeeded for six months in 2016 and one for sixteen months in 2019. Im 27 years old ive been homeless, I’ve been beat, I’ve been shot, I’ve been kidnapped, The life i got myself into was very dangerous and stupid of me But today im 1 month 3 days sober and i never thought i would even be able to say that. Going to the treatment center i went to was the best thing i could have did because i needed that time away from the streets and away from my city. I needed the medical detox and everything they offered there such as meetings all day. I was also lucky to be in detox with a good group of guys and we stuck together and held our own meeting’s and did homework and read/studied the NA book. Today Im doing great i got out of treatment on 11/16/24 i look forward to hitting some more meetings i have so much to learn about myself and about how to live life without using i have had one hell of a life but i have the choice to have a better life then i was living and build a foundation of support and success that i can be proud of it cause id be sober while doing it thats the life i choose and ill choose it everyday today i am grateful to be sober
Thank you for reading this its not thought out i just let my fingers type
Welcome to the team, @Buddah, and thanks for sharing your story! Do please browse the various threads we have on this forum, there is a ton of valuable information for all sorts of addictions.
Most importantly, please shout if we can help protect/progress your sobriety, we’re all in this together
Right on and welcome, Tyler! We keep it simple and stick to the plan (doing whatever it takes to not use/drink) & we get to live. Pretty simple!
So glad you’re here man, stick around and thanks for sharing.
That’s awesome
Sounds like you’ve found the life you wanna live. It’s a good feeling
Welcome to Talking Sober!
Welcome, Buddha!
Thank you for sharing your story. Wow you’ve been through soo much and your willingness to do the work and to share your story will help others find a better life for themselves as well.
I look forward to seeing more of your posts.
Please stick around
Thank you for sharing your truth. Your recovery is inspirational and I appreciate you sharing it with us. Stay with us, become part of the solution.
Keep coming back.
Welcome! Wow, what a story! I’m so glad you’re sober and fighting this terrible disease. We all are rooting for you, you’re not alone!
Welcome Tyler. Your story is quite intense, and I am glad you found your way here.
I am new too.There are many supportive people in this forum, and a lot of helpful advice too.
Welcome! Let’s keep helping us all stay sober.