I have Naltrexone sitting on my bedside that I haven’t taken in months. It makes it so that if u do drink, you can’t get buzzed or drunk. The thing is. Is that my boyfriend also drinks more than he should and the closest liquor store is right across the street. I want him to do this sober thing with me but he keeps on saying he has to slowly stop drinking. I think I might take the pills and try my hardest. I’ve been on a weight loss journey and I’m not losing anything while drinking.
Don’t tie your sobriety journey to your boyfriends behaviour. I am not going into a discussion of quitting cold turkey vs tempering out alcohol consumption - there are enough discussions about that on the forum already. Use the search option if you’re interested.
This is just about you. Your sobriety. Your health. Your choices. Your decisions.
You want to stop drinking? Great. Do it. Find your way. Find your plan. Find your tribe.