Naltrexone treatment start

After 2 years of denial I finally told my doctor today I’m struggling with alcohol dependency. She prescribed me Naltrexone. I have awful anxiety as well and am worried the new med is gonna make that worse. Any have any success or experience on Naltrexone? How did it work for you? Any side effects?


Hello hollyxo and welcome for me they gave me bursproin something like that toke it twice couldn’t function stop taking them after two days made me feel zombie, weird feeling didnt like it but that is just my experience you might like them or help you out for that matter.

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I tried Naltrexone, but it did not to help me. Some people swear by it, but it did not work for me.
It is worth a try with your doctor and switch to something else if it does not work for you.

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I tried naltrexone, and it was very helpful. Took a little time to get used to (I was pretty irritable and tired!), but I wouldn’t have made it where I am today without it. I just recently switched to vivitrol, and that’s been even better! I have anxiety, and it didn’t worsen it.

Good luck!

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I started on Naltrexone almost 3 months ago. I have found it best to take it mid to late afternoon. First thing in the morning seems to make me a little sleepy and too close to bedtime seems to affect my sleep and counteract the melatonin I take at bedtime. Other than that, I haven’t had any unexpected or unpleasant side effects. I’ve had no cravings during this time and I believe that N has some part in that.


I did one round of the injection and it made me sick. Nausea, chills and just generally felt like shit for about a month. That was enough for me.

Hi. I was on it for a while when I first quit. I had no issues with the med at all.

I have been using naltrexone through out my 9 months of sobriety and I have found it effect. Bonus placebo? Or not.,…definitely it’s sleep six for me.No appreciabihabnhobvr

I have taken the drug for the last nine sober months. I think it may help me with sleep. No noticeable(because everything is a bit strange?) side effects.

Some people have had great results.