Natural disasters

My house has been surrounded by water. Guys on rescue rafts came by asking if we needed to be evacuated.


I was one of the folks on those rafts after Katrina. Ironically, my job, in part, was to assess if people still trapped were in mental health or substance related crises.


That had to be terrifying.

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I’m a Ham so I know people that helped out during it.

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While in the navy?

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Found out I dont get sea sick…lol…best roller coaster…ever


Yes…road it out in a top heavy cruiser…watched waves crash over us…


Thats crazy!

We would roll 30 degrees to port, then 30 degrees to starboard…walking was an experience, eating was an experience…wild time


They sure are…right up the road. I was in Palm Coast earlier today.

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Exactly, Bill. Friends in other states used to call us about the big snowstorm they heard about and we would be, yeah, we call it Tuesday here.


My folks were still living in Maine during the big ice storm …they didn’t have power for close to a month either. I was in Vermont by then and lived under Mt. Mansfield, all around us was iced out, but not a lot of our little town…I didn’t even know there had been a storm til my boss called. We actually went off to the White Mtns a few days after the storm on a trip we had planned and stayed at a cabin …went sledding down hiking trails on the ice listening to the trees creak and bend…was freaky and hard …we were all covered with bruises…but it was so fun and fast.

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Here in Scotland we have our share of bad weather

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This the ice storm from ~2008?

That was a blessing for me, was in college at the time and it happened during finals week. Very small school/small campus, entire place lost heat/power (apparently for weeks). We all got sent home early for the semester, exams cancelled. Passed 'em all by default!

Only downside? Was a music major, pulled an all-nighter the night before to hand-write sheet music for an orchestral arrangement I made of “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” by The Beatles, that was part of one of my semester final reviews and I went big for it…

After 12-13 hours of toiling, tried to leave the dorms to go drop it off with my professor. Door frozen shut by ice.
Never had to turn it in, never heard it performed, no idea where it is now.

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This was from 1998, I remember it well. We didn’t have power for over 2 weeks! It was insanity. That sounds like a neat trip!

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Wow, that sounds like an epic project…what school were you at? It is unfortunate you didn’t get to turn it in. It was a crazy few weeks with that storm.

It was a lot of fun.

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