Near 5days sober

2mrow be 5days sober … shitting myself for the weekend :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

Any ideas to help me stay off it or something to do ? :kissing_heart:


Yes you have the right idea! Stay busy. Gym, volunteer work, take up a new hobby that you have wanted to do. You can do this!! Check in here and use the app for support.

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Well done on 5 days.
My advice is don’t think any further than the present hour or moment.
We tend to build these things up so that in the end we are making a mountain out of a molehill.
The more you think about it the more anxious you will become.
Make sure you have everything in the house that you will need. Includes a ton of ice cream and soft drinks/ water.
Close the door and binge Netflix.
But just stay in the moment and do not over think it.
It will get easier.


hi there, your do exactly what got you to 4 days sober. If your weekend routine used to involve going out then for now you stay in or go to a place like the cinema for a change. if it was all about staying in with a bottle then what difference does the name of the day make, you don’t drink in Friday night or Saturday night like you haven’t drunk tonight. Addiction is just a continues routine, a series of unfortunate events. We brake the routine we break the outcome. Your doing great atm and you will get some tough days that’s when you come sit with us, waste some thinking time until you can fill your mind with the same old routine of, I don’t drink anymore that’s what I do now,. This is when you can just sit in peace and enjoy the sober moment for what it is. Well done BTW.


Thanks all , I’ll definitely be on here alot over the weekend for the chats and banter hopefully :heart::ok_hand:


Each day that you don’t use, you save money. One motivating factor for me is to spend some of that saved money on something that you wouldn’t have bought otherwise. Go out to a movie, with all the treats. Eat some food that you normally would have put off for booze or drugs. Treat yourself to something that cost money you would’ve spent on poison.

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