Nearly 500 days

So in Thursday it will be 500 days since my last drink. Bit of a big milestone. How should I celebrate?


I just hit 500 days (21 days ago) I had a water party with my friends and co-workers. I got the most expensive bottle of water and drunk it. (It was $8.00 and good)

But, first thing You get on your knees and say Thank you to your Higher Power and strive for the next 500! Congratulations and keep going. :clap:


@IShell Hahaha, a water party, that’s hilarious! Late congrats on the 500 days, that’s awesome.

@Gavalon Congrats on almost 500, that is a big milestone. Proud of you, keep it up! And not knowing you or your interests, I’d suggest being with friends/family. Movies, dinner, idk I’m not good at planning that kind of stuff. Anyway, hope it’s great, whatever you decide. And I definitely second what @IShell suggested about thanking your higher power.


Great work on your 500 days of sobriety Gavin
Do something just for you today to celebrate your accomplishments. Go out for dinner, do self care massages, buy yourself a gift, take yourself out to the movies or the theater. It’s your special day. I also love @IShell point on thanking your HP. Keep going strong :muscle::raised_hands:… marvelous job on your sober time

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Great work on your 500+ days … keep stacking up the days :muscle::raised_hands:


Thank you and what a brilliant idea

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