Nearly a year

What to do after completing one year without alcohol? This is a big question and I’m not sure whether to attempt elusive moderation or just carry on sober. It would be present to enjoy a glass of wine or cold here on a hot day however I would be concerned that her return to the same have you drinking problems has manifested before. Has anyone on this platform managed to nail moderate drinking or is that a myth? By the way I have 47 days to go

I’ve been on this app everyday for the past year and I’ve yet to see anyone post a successful story about moderation. Many have tried and they all failed. Why bother testing the waters? Hasn’t your life changed for the better?


I’d stay well clear it concerns me alit your even asking the question tbh. Moderation wtf is that


I agree with Lisa here. After a year I truly appreciated the changes I had gone through.
There’s no going back for me to even risk moderation.
Too many have tried and ended back here.
Why bother?
It sounds like you’ve done nothing to change the mindset.
I can have a refreshing soft drink on a hot day. I no longer need alcohol to celebrate with.
These are all things that I did in the first year to allow me to not think about moderation.


Plenty of people in the grave yard thought moderation would work wish you well


Didn’t work for me. Sounds like wishful thinking.

When you can control it do you enjoy it? And when you enjoy it, can you control it?


I am a year and a month sober. I had similar thoughts when I was closing in on my date. However, I continued to remind myself that I like this version of me so much more than that version from last year. I am present for my family, I am happier and overall less stressed, my sleeping is better. I am more patient and kind with the people around me. Now that Oct 5 has come and gone, I’m not thinking about it like I was the month leading up to “the day”. Hope this helps. Good luck


It’s just another day; 24 hours, your milestone. Maybe don’t put such importance on a number. Enjoy your life as it is.
You’re forgetting why you originally came here in the first place. Don’t glorify it, it’s a trap your drinking mind is setting.


Well said Donna! :facepunch:


Elusive. The key word. I have yet to find an alcoholic that can moderate. Normal drinkers just dont think like this. You do you…if life good right now…why change it up. For me, alcohol has never done a good thing me.


I’ll echo what others have said moderation doesn’t work. If you have a few and things seem good you’ll be right back where you started in no time. You’ll be better off staying sober. I know from experience. I wish you continued luck on your journey.

Perfectly sums up the argument I go ack to again and again.

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From personal experience: moderation does not work if you have an alcohol use disorder. I was sober for seven years (2004-2011), and then decided that I could handle myself when drinking. I could not. Since 2011, the longest sober stretch I’ve had is 6 months. If I had a time machine, I’d go back and kick myself in the shins and tell myself that the one glass of champagne, the one beer with friends, the one glass of wine with dinner isn’t worth it. Because it’s never just one for me.